completely honest, it’s a bit disappointing.
What’s not disappointing,though,is the engine’s
performance. It doesn’t have the immediate punch
of the M2’s unit, especiallyat lower revs, but work it
beyond 3500rpmand the 1M really flies. It may be
69bhp down on the M2 Comp, but this is palliated
by a 55kg lighter kerb weight, and whilethere is still
a notablepower-to-weightdifference – 228bhpper
ton for the 1M versus 265 for the M2 – most of the
timethatgap soundsfar greater thanit feels.
The 1M’s six-speed manualgearbox has an even
stubbierlever thanthe M2’s, and whilethe shiftaction
isn’tquite as crisp, there’s nothingto really complain
about. The same can’t be said of the brakes, which
were sourced from the contemporary M3 and emit
thattell-tale grumbleof beingunder-specced, even if
theirperformance is adequate for road use.
Andit is sucha crackingroad car, the 1M. From the
drivingseat it feels aboutten per cent smallerthan
the M2 – itself a good fit for a B-road – and its boxier
shapemakes it even easier to judge exactly where
its extremities are. The ride,meanwhile,although
still firm,is more forgiving,makingit less punishing
over typical Britishtarmac. Thatsaid, a touch of
crashiness over harsh surface changes reminds
you of how adeptthe newest cars have become at
managinga stiff set-up.
Also belyingthe 1M’s age is its slower steering rack,
whichmakes you realise how infrequentlyyou change
the positionof your handson the wheel in the M2.
Assistance is hydraulicratherthanelectric, but it’s
still not exactly drippingwithfeedback. However, with
245/35 front and 265/35 rear rubberon 19-inchrims
Date acquiredOctober 2018Total mileage
8058 Mileage this month 1113 Costs this
month£0mpg this month24.0
1M Coupeisslightly
(identical to the M2)you’re rarely shortof reassuring
grip, and thoughyou’ll need to make bigger inputs,
the 1M’s agility is in the same ballpark as the M2’s.
Ultimately, the 1M Coupe is slightlyless intense
thanthe M2 Competition– it hasn’tgot the more
amped-upattitudeof the newer car: the more urgent
engine,the more immediate steering,the more
uncompromisingride.But whilethe M2 will get your
pulse racinga few beats per minute faster, I’m not
sure this makes it any more satisfyingto drive.
Whichdo I prefer? It’s a genuinelytough call,
but put it this way: the 1M and M2 have now both
returned to BMW(fullend-of-termreporton the
latter next month),but if I could have just one more
drive in eitherof them,I’d choose the 1M.
Ian Eveleigh