Master the Inpainting tool
Remove objects and replace edge details lost when cropping and straightening
Affinity Photo
How to hide or replace
content, and crop and
straighten a shot to
improve composition
15 minutes
HOW TO Replace edges and remove objects
Open an image
Choose File > Open to find shot that
needs to be recomposed. For max control over
image editing, shoot with an uncompressed
camera raw file. Raw files automatically open
in Affinity Photo’s Develop Persona.
Straighten the horizon
Click on the Crop icon in the Tools
panel. Set Mode to Original Ratio. This keeps
the cropped shot the same shape as other
photos from your camera. Click the Straighten
button. Draw a line following the tilted horizon.
THIS SHOT WAS taken before
the cyclist disappeared around
the bend. It was a quick shot so
it wasn’t carefully composed.
As a result of this, the photo suļers from
a tilted horizon and is blemished by bins
in the foreground.
AL·nity Photo’s Crop tool enables us to
straighten wonky horizons and lose ugly
edge objects such as the bins, but
performing the operation can create
transparent edges at the corners of the
frame. We could crop in tighter to lose the
transparent edges, but then we’d chop oļ
the top of the castle.
By using AL·nity Photo’s Inpainting
Brush tool, we can brush over transparent
edges and they will automatically be Ľlled
with appropriate pixels, such as sky or
trees. The Inpainting Brush can also
sample unwanted people and hide them
with a patch of adjacent pixels. We can
even repair holes in the castle wall in
a few strokes. GEORGE CAIRNS
86 AUG 2019 Image rights: Serif.