B2B Purchase – July 2019

(Michael S) #1

rcmme procurement guidelines

16 B2B Purchase July 2019

deaths and injuries. Therefore, construction companies
are increasingly adapting to various safety measures
to ensure the wellbeing of the workers and visitors
alike on the site, especially for demolition work which
involves an array of dangerous factors that can cause
human tragedy. Safety has and always will be the
most important part of constructions, renovations
and demolitions. Always having the best and most
up-to-date equipment as well as taking the necessary
precautions has saved countless lives throughout the
years. These precautions are simple and easy things
that one should always be sure to do. These precautions
take just a few minutes to oversee, but could make a
difference when it comes to a safe demolition.

Employees should always be knowledgeable of all
aspects of work, regardless of their specialty or area
of work. It is important that each and every employee
understands what equipment should be worn and
present throughout the demolition. Make sure that
each employee also knows and understands how to
use each piece of equipment properly. This quick and
simple sweep is to make sure each employee has all
the proper equipment required and can help save
lives and prevent any or all future injuries as you go
throughout the demolition process. In addition, make
sure that each employee has a hard hat, as well as a
mask, gloves and work boots.

Vaijanath Bhatambre, Advisory Business Consultant,
Annapurna Construction says, “Always do a final
sweep before the demolition process begins. It is
absolutely recommended to go into each and every
room, including closets, bathrooms and hallways, to
ensure that everyone and everything is out of the
building.” It is necessary to ensure that each worker
is out of the building and at a safe distance before
demolition begins. Likewise, it is important to make

sure that the building is monitored by employees to
make sure that unauthorised people do not get close
to the demolition site. If others are present, make sure
all equipment is equipped and readily available to any
newcomers. Assign someone to assure the final sweep
has been made. “Make sure that everyone knows
whom to report. Once the final sweep is done, notify
the person in charge. The demolition can then take
place safely,” adds Bhatambre.

It is absolutely necessary that only trained and
experienced employees handle the more dangerous
and explosive materials. These employees should
be qualified, professional, mature, and experienced
enough to handle the responsibility and care required
by those handling the explosives. These employees, if
trained correctly, can help prevent accidents on the
work site.

If, for any reason, anyone needs to enter the building,
it is necessary for every ceiling and walkway to be
braced. This will easily provide extra support in case
an accident occurs and help prevent the resulting
damage, injuries and even deaths.

Make sure that all employees are wearing and
equipped with the proper equipment to clean up any
and all debris once the demolition has taken place.
This equipment includes gloves, a mask and work
boots. Most importantly, however, make sure that only
authorised employees are present during the cleanup
and demolition. This stage can be very dangerous, but
taking these necessary steps can prevent an array of
injuries and accidents.

The standard safety comprises of statutory
compliances, methodology of the demolition worksite,
other risk involvement like nearby structures and
running plant or area premises, diversions of the roads
or routes, method statement, risk assessment, third
party inspection certificates for machines, toolbox

Hydraulic breakers can be a
best friend on a jobsite where
demolition is the end goal.
Pankaj Kumar, Vice President,
DOZCO (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Our hydraulic drum cutters for
excavators, loaders, and backhoe
loaders are the most innovative and
determined response to excavation,
demolition and profiling work,
especially in urban sites.
Piero Guizzetti, CEO, MB India
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