China Daily - 07.08.2019

(sharon) #1


CHINA DAILY Wednesday, August 7, 2019 | 21


59 Words on some
blood drive
61 Is very
fortunate, with
62 Wharton grad
63 Creature to get
down from
64 Polynesian
65 & 66
whose life is
depicted in the
starts of
19-, 36- and

1 Middle: Abbr.
2 The “A” in BART
3 Animal having a
ball at the
4 1980 Blondie hit
5 Cost of
withdrawing, say
6 “Gee, you’re
killin’ me!”
7 Baseball’s
8 When sung
three times,
what follows
loves you”
9 Vegetable with a
10 Volcano’s spew
11 Fateful day for
12 Deluxe
15 Present for
20 Actress
Blair of “The

21 It can be picked
24 Remain idle
25 Sound during
hay fever season
26 Dr. Dre’s
“Nuthin’ but a
‘G’ ___”
27 Our, in Orléans
28 Sun, moon and
29 Unbending
30 Phil ___, slalom
skiing gold
medalist at the
1984 Olympics
31 Fragrant
34 Cross to bear
37 Greek sauce
with yogurt
38 Bad
39 Gobble
44 “Alley ___!”
46 Analgesic’s
47 Slow, in music
49 Where one
might kick a
habit, informally
50 Ghost at the
51 Here, in Madrid
52 Facebook
53 Taj Mahal, e.g.
54 King of
the road
55 Untrustworthy
56 After-work
times, in
60 “Able was I ___ I
saw Elba”

John Betjeman, a former
poet laureate in England, said,
"Too many people in the mod-
ern world view poetry as a lux-
ury, not a necessity like petrol.
But to me it's the oil of life." I
came across this deal while
rummaging through my
records. South's wafer-thin
opening bid suggests that it is
of a modern vintage, but it was
played in a tournament dec-
ades ago.
How should South play in
four spades after West leads a
low club? Note that it pays to
push for vulnerable games.
Assuming duplicate scoring, if
you can win 10 tricks in a major,
you score either 170 or 620,
depending on whether or not
you bid the game. If you can
win only nine tricks, your result
is plus 140 or minus 100. If the
game makes half the time, you
will be, on average, 105 points
per deal better off if you always
bid game. The first South rose
with dummy's club king and
took an immediate spade
finesse. It lost, East received a
club ruff, and the defenders
cashed three red-suit tricks for

Yesterday’s solution




Capricorn (DEC. 22-JAN. 19)
Put your heart and soul into whatever you decide to take on.
Whether it's how you earn or handle money, deal with essential
partnerships or run your home, do it with finesse.

Aquarius (JAN. 20-FEB. 19)
Look for opportunities to advance. Keep an open discussion
going with anyone who will be affected by the decisions you
make. Romance is in the stars.

Pisces (FEB. 20-MARCH 20)
You'll have some exciting ideas, but you must consider the possi-
ble consequences of putting them in action. Moderation is key.

Aries (MARCH 21-APRIL 19)
Embrace life and try something new. A lifestyle change will lift
your spirits and give you a new lease on life. Romance is encour-

Taurus (APRIL 20-MAY 20)
A change regarding a partnership or an agreement will catch you
off-guard. Don't act in haste. Consider your options and counter
with something you feel is fair.

Gemini (MAY 21-JUNE 20)
Keep the peace by refusing to let anyone meddle in your person-
al affairs. Protect your privacy, loved ones and assets. Romance
will enhance a meaningful relationship.

Cancer (JUNE 21-JULY 22)
Someone you encounter will change the way you see or do
things. An offer will grab your interest, but you must check to
make sure it's legitimate.

Leo (JULY 23-AUG. 22)
Be careful when dealing with sensitive issues. Someone you love
or work alongside will be touchy if you take more than you give.
Aim for equality, peace and love, not for chaos.

Virgo (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)
Network, get involved and make your actions count. The more
productive you are, the less time you will have to get involved in
situations that aren't good for you.

Libra (SEPT. 23-OCT. 23)
Don't rely on others. If you want something done, do it yourself.
Look for positive opportunities and find out how you can turn a
skill or service into a lucrative affair.

Scorpio (OCT. 24-NOV. 22)
If you share your emotions, be prepared to put up with the back-
lash that follows. Communication will be necessary, but how you
respond will make a difference.

Sagittarius (NOV. 23-DEC. 21)
Rely on what you know, whom you can trust and how best to get
what you want. A personal contract, legal matter or financial
issue will need your undivided attention.

Crossword Horoscope


Language tips


Compulsory education

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee
and State Council published a document on deepening
education and teaching reform and improving compulsory
education quality in an all-around way.

(China's first important
document focusing on education and teaching reform in
the compulsory education stage) (new era)

(quality education)

(moral education)
(ideals and faith) (core socialist
values) (China's fine traditional
culture) (ecological civilization)
(mental health)

(develop the
cognitive ability)
(stimulate the sense of innovation)

(strengthen physical education)
(enhance aesthetic training)

(heuristic, interactive
and inquiry-based teaching methods)

(more information technology should be
integrated into school teaching)

(rural and remote
poverty-stricken areas)

(high-quality and professional teaching personnel)

(teachers' work ethics and
teaching fundamentals)

(school principals)

(local and school based
curriculum) (national curriculum)

( exam-free access to
nearby primary and secondary schools)

(secure the fiscal
investment for compulsory education)

exam-oriented education

private school

basic education

education equality

impart knowledge and cultivate people

To learn more hot words,
please log on to
Follow us on weibo at

down two. The second declarer
won with his club jack and led a
diamond toward the dummy.
He paid an equally heavy price.
West went in with the ace and
led the club eight. East ruffed
and, reading the eight as a suit-
preference signal, returned the
heart four. West won with the
ace and played a heart back to
East's king. Then a third heart
promoted West's spade king for
down two. The last declarer
won trick one with the club
jack and laid down the spade
ace. Bingo — the king
appeared. South now had only
three red-suit losers. Some-
times it pays to be a little lucky.





Ji Ziran asked whether Zi Lu and Ran Qiu could
be called ministers. The Master said, “I thought you
were talking about other officials than Zi Lu and
Ran Qiu. What is a minister but one who serves his
prince according to the principle and will resign if
it is not followed? If so, they may be called qualified
ministers.” Ji Ziran said, “Will they always follow
orders?” The Master said, “Not when they are told
to murder their prince or father.”

A Kakuro consists of a playing area of
filled and empty cells similar to a cross-
word puzzle. Some black cells contain a
diagonal slash from top left to bottom
right with numbers in them, called “the
clues”. A number in the top right corner
relates to an “across” clue and one in the
bottom left a “down” clue. The object of a
Kakuro is to insert digits from one to nine
into the white cells to total the clue asso-
ciated with it. However no digit can be
duplicated in an entry.

1 Who says
“Speak, hands,
for me!” in
“Julius Caesar”
6 Poehler vortex of
9 It might be on
one’s radar
13 Reward for Fido
14 Tiny
15 Where to
enjoy a Goya
16 Queen’s domain
17 N.Y.C. subway
18 Wanders
19 Dressed like “a
22 Lo ___ (Chinese
noodle dish)
23 “Portlandia” air-
24 Glossy fabric
27 “I’ll pass”

32 “___ bin ein
33 It might have
golden locks
35 Howe he could
36 “I think I made a
mistake here”
40 “Bedtime for
41 Celestial bear
42 Rage
43 Downward-
Facing Dog, e.g.
45 Merchant
48 #Me___
49 Felt remorse for
50 “Add some
pillows or a pop
of color
around here,
why don’t you!”
57 Parting words
58 Aah’s

Yesterday’s solution

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