Idealog – July 26, 2019

(lily) #1


The Transformation Issue |

We gave OneRoom CEO David
Lutterman a little longer than
an elevator ride to pitch his
company, which is shaking
up the traditional funeral
industry with its live stream
technology and slick branding.






ive streams of sports, breaking news
stories and even more banal every day
moments like two people squaring off in
a game of Fortnite are fast becoming the
norm with the range of technologies now
available at people’s fingertips. But what if this
innovation was taken into a sector one doesn’t
typically associate with livestreaming – say, the
funeral sector?
OneRoom launched with that purpose in mind,
allowing friends and family to live stream funerals if
they’re unable to be there in person for the event.
“We record, stream and store funeral services,”
Lutterman says. “When we tell people this,
they almost visibly recoil a little. The
big idea is to stop people doing that.”
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