Idealog – July 26, 2019

(lily) #1


The reimagining

of Auckland’s

Harbour Bridge

The New Zealand Transport Agency has
unveiled its design for a walking and biking
pathway across Auckland Harbour Bridge. The
path is similar to the design of the existing
bridge shape, level with the roadway and five
metres in width. But this is no new idea – as
early as 1946, the Royal Commission proposed
a harbour crossing with a ‘footpath and cycle-
track’ included. This idea was not picked up,
and the Auckland Harbour Bridge opened in
1959 to accommodate just cars after four years
of construction. Sixty years later, this walking
and cycling track may finally come to fruition.

The Auckland Harbour bridge
under construction in 1958.
Ref: WA-48833-G. Alexander
Turnbull Library, Wellington,
New Zealand. /records/22344644

Artist’s impression of the
proposed pathway across
Auckland Harbour bridge.
Credit: New Zealand
Transport Agency.

The Auckland Harbour
Bridge in present day.


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