Truck & Driver UK – September 2019

(Romina) #1

Truck & Driver August 2019^41

Sole CF tractor unit: durable and a €20,000 saving

Small but


The sole CF tractor unit on
the fleet is this 440hp 4x2. A
2015 model with a 12-speed
manual ’box, this simple little
truck has been one of the
most durable on the fleet.
Gareth explains: “We
needed three trucks that
year instead of our usual
two. That’s a big outlay so we
decided to try something
a little different with the
CF, which also netted us a
€20,000 saving! Right from
the start it gave a solid
10.5mpg and it’s always been
around that mark; only now
with the new 480s is it being
beaten on fuel.”


Sligo has a strong relationship with Daf but this FH 460 Globetrotter has proved a good investment

with the TraXon ’box,” says Gareth.
The two new XFs are TraXon
autos, and Stephen, Gareth and
drivers James Neary and Enda
Connor can’t praise them enough.
“All our Euro 6 Dafs have been
great in terms of performance,
reliability and fuel economy,” says
Stephen, “but these new ones
have been brilliant. The fuel
consumption is outstanding.”
The trucks are fitted with alloy
wheels, air horns, spotlights and
side-skirts from Steen
Commercials as part of the
anniversary spec. A first for the
company is that the grilles have
been painted, and the effect is so
pleasing that subsequent trucks
may also get the same treatment.
Although the bulk of its work
is in Ireland, Sligo Haulage does
have the capability to provide
European services; it provides a
door-to-door service for one
customer that involves a trip to
Germany. Stephen was keen to
see how his smart new XFs were
to drive, so recently he double-
manned one to the Continent
and back. “I had never done a
European run, so that was an
experience in itself,” he smiles.
“I could not believe what a
good job Daf had done with the
truck. The comfort, the space
and the cab layout and, again,
the economy are all superb.”
The company is very big on
maintenance and keen to make
its drivers feel respected and
part of the family. “If you can’t do
it safely and legally then there is
no point in doing it,” says
Stephen, “and I wouldn’t
ask a driver to do
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