(^060) two. Deacon is torn between his
gravely injured wife and his best
friend, who has a serious leg wound
and isn’t doing much better. In the
end he makes his choice, staying
behind with Boozer.
Giving Sarah a ring, he tells her, “I
want this back.”
The chopper departs and we return
to the present: 733 days gone.
Freakers are what Hell spat out on
that day two years ago. The result of a
virulent infection, which tore through
not only the human population but
much of the wildlife as well. The
infected mutated into ever-hungry,
hollering husks that chow down on
whatever corpses get left behind – be
they human, animal, or Freaker.
Bikers Deacon St John and William
‘Boozer’ Gray survive by collecting
bounties from various factions and
camps, but align themselves with
none of them. They’re hot on the
trail of their latest quarry, a man
called Leon, when they happen
across a bloody scene. The
soon-to-be-fridged young woman is
known to the duo as Alvarez and
she’s in such a bad way that when she
chokes for air, the pair are surprised
to realise she’s still alive. Bloody and
covered in deep cuts, it looks like a
textbook death-cult Ripper attack.
But Alvarez’s death rattle
reveals, “Leon did this.”
In pursuit of the perp, we get
our first taste of life on the road.
Getting to grips with Deacon’s
Drifter bike, we careen head-first
into an abandoned ambulance.
Restarting from the checkpoint,
we soon learn that little
adjustments with the analogue stick
and gentle easing of the throttle on
i are key to handling. That bike’s
going to be beneath you for a lot of
Days Gone, so taking time to get
arah’s not wounded by a bite, but a
blade. Our in-depth hands-on with
Days Gone begins as all Hell breaks
loose, with blood brothers Boozer
and Deacon tending to the delirious
Sarah in the middle of a riot.
“It was just some kid,” she mutters as
the trio stumble towards a chopper
and the vague promise of safety at a
refugee camp, care of the government
organisation Nero.
But with the helicopter ready to go,
it’s revealed that there’s only room for
It’s derelict but far from
dead. Clear out hordes and
Freaker nests to open up
fast travel routes.