Oman Economic Review – July 2019

(Elliott) #1
12 July 2019

What are the reasons that prompted
Renaissance Services to proceed with
the sale of Topaz to DP World?
We went in for this deal keeping in mind
what was important for Renaissance at
the present juncture. We had a desire
to de-leverage and become asset light.
When we look at the global and regional
markets, we see that there are very few
positive triggers out there. Our thinking
was that if we are ticking enough
boxes in terms of what we want for
Renaissance, then this deal, perhaps with
the only additional desire of a healthier
valuation, ticked all the boxes that were
important for the company. Sometimes
in business you need to take a long view,
and given the circumstances in the world
today, you can hope for a positive turn of
events, but another negative shock in the
industry might have been a bridge too
far – and hope is a poor strategy. It was
with that in mind that we chose to take
this deal. Overall, it was a mix of these
two reasons, but more importantly it was
about what was good for Renaissance.

As a thumb rule, a downturn is not
considered a good time for an asset
sale as valuations are depressed.
Were there any external pressures
that forced you to proceed with the
There was no external pressure or
compulsion that forced us to proceed
with the transaction at this moment.
There are circumstances which we might
have had to negotiate, if we had not
gone ahead with the sale, but these were
manageable but not easy. For instance,
liquidity was tough and we have been

stating that very clearly, but we would
have survived it. Compared to 2019,
liquidity was tougher in 2017 and in the
early part of 2018. There were triggers
like the upcoming obligation towards
Standard Chartered Private Equity/
Affirma Capital (SCPEL), but SCPEL has
been a fantastic partner throughout this
journey with Topaz and have always
been reasonable. But the heavy issue
was that in the past year we had tried
many different avenues and could not
see any near term liquidity solutions and
we had a plan for Renaissance which
could only go into top gear once we had
shifted the overhang of Topaz. Once that
was the prism then valuation became a
relative issue.

Are there synergies between Topaz
and DP World that assured you that
this is a right fit for a company that
you have nurtured and grown over
the years?
For DP World one of their signature
acquisitions a decade or so ago was the
P&O brand. They already own Maritime
assets. DP World owns a vast amount
of real estate by way of their ports.
Logistics is very important to their
trade and Topaz is moving into logistics,
particularly with their Chevron TCO
deal, so that could have been attractive
for DP World. Topaz will also be taking
them into the Caspian, where there
are major possibilities for DP World
to do other things that they are good
at. This is a superb market and Topaz
has a strong position in Azerbaijan
and Kazakhstan, so there were those
synergies and frankly speaking we have

fantastic EBIDTA margins in Topaz and
DP World would also benefit from those.

Can you share some details of the
deal with our readers?
Talking about valuations, the value of
the deal including minorities is $1.3bn.
To make it crystal clear and totally
transparent we have taken only the net
number of $1.079bn and it has been
flagged to the market. We have agreed
and signed off with DP World and now
its down to the closing conditions which
can take two to three months to get
the various consents and fulfill other
conditions. There will be regulatory,
anti-monopoly consents which DP
World will require to obtain in the
normal course of a transaction of this
size and scale. We have called for a
Shareholders Meeting for Renaissance
on the July 29, 2019, where the deal will
be presented for approval.

Will the proceeds from the sale
reflect on Renaissance Services
balance sheet this year or in 2020?
The proceeds of the sale will be
reflected the minute we achieve
financial closure. For example, even
when we report our H1 results, which
will be announced in the next few days,
this will not be reflected as a business
but a one line item flagging the gain or
loss on the transaction.

Topaz was acquired by Renaissance
Services in 2005 and you grew it
multifold. Looking back how was
your journey with Topaz?
The journey of Topaz was a really

Samir J Fancy, Chairman, Renaissance Services shares his insights

on the $1.079bn sale of Topaz to DP World along with his future

vision for Renaissance and why the deal is a winning proposition

for all three companies. Mayank Singh reports

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