Oman Economic Review – July 2019

(Elliott) #1

investors and there is an acceleration of
investment in the region, despite the lack
of readiness of the fishing harbour.”

Currently three fisheries factories have
already started production in Duqm
while the forth one will be operational
in 2019. In addition, there are four
other factories under construction, in
addition to 12 companies that have
signed usufruct (land lease) agreements
with SEZAD to establish specialised
factories for sardine, feed, fish oil and
fish packaging industries.

Referring to the integration in the
operations of the fishing harbour and
the Port of Duqm, Al Jabri said, “SEZAD
is working to enable the fishing harbour
in Duqm to carry out commercial
operations, but if the need to export
larger quantities on board giant vessels,
Duqm commercial port will be ready for
such operations because it has a deeper
draft in comparison to the fishing
harbour, as the depth of the port basin
is 18 metres and this will enhance the
large commercial operations that need
larger berths.”

He has explained that the special eco-
nomic zone is equipped with other facil-
ities serving the fishing harbour, such as
Duqm Airport, which can – through the
cargo building – contribute to the export

of fish to the world with faster and it is
close to the fishery industry.

Overhauling the fisheries sector
Fishery and aquaculture are among the
most ancient and important sectors of

Oman economy, with deep cultural and
social significance. Oman’s fisheries
sector absorbs tens of thousands of
fishermen, in addition to workers in
fisheries establishments. The Ministry
of Agriculture and Fisheries seeks to
raise the contribution of fishing in
gross domestic product to RO730mn.
The ministry has been attracting more
experts, specialists and company
owners to develop Oman’s fisheries
sector. The findings of Tanfeedh labs
have facilitated this sector, including
through issue of licenses and approvals,
providing plots for fish farming and
processing projects and allowing
commercial fishing fleets access to
operate on the high seas. The ministry,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
at Columbia University and other
stakeholders are working on a project
funded by National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) for
providing predictions about the timing
and locations of algae-blooms.

However, there is a need to improve
economic management of the fisheries
sector and create viable and sustainable
employment opportunities. As a starting
point, the Sultanate engaged the World
Bank to assist in its effort to overhaul
the fisheries sector, and help devise a
plan for increasing the contribution that
fisheries make to Oman’s economy.

The fisheries

sector in Duqm is

one of the most

promising sectors

in the region, as the

region has a large

stock of fish wealth

that contributes

to the supply of

other sectors in

the region and

the revitalisation

of the economic


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