Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

@ZachTinker (Fen, Y&R)
Why is YouTube ten times
better at one in the morning?

(ex-Robin, GH)
So now I own 2 pairs of
Birkenstocks #pointof
noreturn #momlife

(ex-Theresa, DAYS)
Third trimester: when you
give up and eat cake for lunch

(ex-Mimi, DAYS)
dreamt last night that I did
yoga. Which I’ve never
actually tried. Woke up this
morning and down one
pound from yesterday.
Really recommend this
type of workout

(Tessa, Y&R)
Sometimes I just find myself
staring at my phone in my
car forgetting where I need
to go

@alexwyse (ex-Saul, B&B)
I’m in bed watching Disney
channel original movies
because that’s the kind of
Sunday morning I deserve.

check it out!
(ex-Starr, ONE LIFE TO LIVE)
Chernobyl is crazyyy good. Only on episode 2
but SO well done and intense. Such a nightmare.
A horrible horrible horror story...

@cassandrajames_ (Terry, GH)
@TalesofTheCity on @netflix Episode 8. I can’t
stop crying because I have never seen such an
honest, powerful, and heartbreaking depiction of
our history and the trans* experience. My heart
weeps but she also soars. Bravo. @SmartAssJen
you were magnificent.

@chloelanier (ex-Nelle, GH)
Saw @LateNightMovie and absolutely loved
it. The script is witty, subversive, and full of
heart. @mindykaling — I’ve adored your writing
for fourteen years and I loved watching you
shine! And thank you for giving my buddy
@PaulWHauser a job. He’s been having a
hard time lately

@dom_zamprogna (ex-Dante, GH)
Snatch stands the test of time, great flick

(Ted, DAYS)
Guys, you would be crazy not
to watch @NBCSongland.
It’s insanely good. #songland


@japastu (Valentin, GH)
Current vibe.

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