Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

seen, they haven’t even
had a real discussion about
what happened yet, and
I can’t see Cane and Lily
just giving up the marriage
that easy and moving on
so quickly. They have been
through so much and they
can get through this, too!
Traci is awesome but I
think she needs to be with
someone else, not Cane.
Cane and Lily are meant
to be. It was really weird
to see Cane at the carnival
with Traci, but not his two
kids who he has with Lily,
and baby Sam, too. It just
didn’t seem right. Please
make things right between
Cane and Lily and find
a suitable man for Traci.
Reunite Cane and Lily!
They are severely missed!
C.S. in Canada

What is with Y&R’s
Adam wanting custody
of Christian? He didn’t
want anything to do with
him when he was born;
now, he suddenly wants
to raise him. He knew
he was the boy’s father,
but let Nick think he was
the father. Christian has
been uprooted enough
from living with Sharon
and Dylan, with Nick,
then Victor temporarily
and back to Nick again.
I hope the judge sides
with Nick. He is better
off with the only father
he knows.
Michelle M., via email

I have been a fan of
DAYS for 26 years. I love

the show! I read in your
magazine how people
were complaining about
Ben and Ciara. I truly
do believe someone can
change with professional
help. I think it’s great the
show is giving Ben and
others a chance to be a
real person again. Xander,
I feel, is trying to be a
good person. I wish Sarah
and Eric were together.
Chloe deserves Rex, Rafe
deserves Carrie. Who
knows? Maybe Gabi will
fall in love with Stefan
and they can be a family.
Time will tell. Thanks for
a great show!
A big fan, via email

Seriously, I can’t believe
I am writing to your maga-
zine again in less than six
months about the sad sto-
ryline of B&B’s Hope and
the baby switch. Not only
is this plot now beyond
believable as more and
more people know, but no
one can manage to find the
right time without interrup-
tion from now-evil Thomas
who seems to be every-
where Hope is (maybe he
has a twin, which would
be much more believable
and interesting) to say
these simple words, “Your
baby, Beth, is alive”. Also,

“Who knows? Maybe
[DAYS’s] Gabi [Camila
Banus] will fall in love with
Stefan [Brandon Barash]
and they can be a family.
Time will tell.”


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