DanteacrossDMC5’s 20 missions.A
demon called Urizen is using a bad
tree called the Qliphoth to drain the
city of all its blood and it’s up to the
trio to fight through his minions to
stop him. The story is preposterous,
genuinely funny at
points, and supported
by earnest
performances and
quality performance
capture. Though the
areas you visit can be
simplistic and washed
out, it’s a decent
enough setting for
combat encounters.
In classic Devil May Cry fashion
you clear the level room-by-room and
collect ranking scores from each
encounter that feed into an overall
score for the chapter. The point isn’t
merely to survive, but to reach the
upper echelons of the scoring system
and claim the coveted, ridiculous
‘Smokin’ Sexy Style!’ title.
Each character has their own
fighting style, but there’s plenty of
opportunity to find your own
preferred approaches within each
moveset. Nero’s basic abilities let him
attack with his sword and revolver.
You can hold the fire button to
rev your sword like a motorbike to
power it up and access fiery new
moves. Nero can also whip enemies
closer or pull himself towards larger
enemies with a tether he fires out of
his right arm.
Within this stable
framework of go-to
combos you use Nero’s
disposable robot arms
to mix up combos or
move around. The
Gerbera arm lets you
fire shockwaves that
can propel Nero away
from enemy attacks, and the Punch
Line can detach and fly around as
Nero rides it. The arms break if you
take a hit during their special move,
but you tailor an arsenal of up to
eight arms before a mission starts
and detonate them whenever you
like. Some arms do give you an
advantage over certain enemies, but
the system is lax enough to let you
pick the arms you really enjoy using
in any situation.
If Nero was the only playable
character this would still be a fine
game, but Devil May Cry 5 offers so
much more. Dante can switch
between four melee weapons, four
ranged weapons, and four combat
styles on the fly. All of Dante’s
weapons are fun, but my favourite is
the hat, which captures DMC5’s
wilful tendency to be incredibly
smart and stupid at the same time.
You can build your whole combat
style around the hat’s clever orb
switching mechanics. More
importantly, you can make any enemy
in the game wear a dumb hat. It even
works on giant tentacle-faced rhino
monsters. It even works on bosses.
Demon pets
V is the palate cleanser of the three.
He struts around the edges of the
battle reading poetry from his book
as his pet demons rip up enemies.
Once you’ve landed enough hits to
build up your super gauge, you
summon a massive oily golem called
Nightmare to clobber everything into
a near-death state. The demons can’t
actually kill anything, so you have to
teleport V around the battlefield to
deal final blows with his cane.
Nero, Dante, and V don’t reach
their full potential until the end of
your first run through. The next
difficulty level remixes every combat
encounter and lets you keep all of
your unlocks. The refresh is so
extensive that it makes the main
campaign feel like a tutorial, and this
is before Capcom adds the Bloody
Palace gauntlet mode in April.
I’ve been hitting demons in this
game for 19 hours so far, and I can
easily see myself putting in 19 more.
The setting lacks the flair and
imagination of the genre behemoth
Bayonetta, but there’s a greater
variety of combat styles and a higher
degree of challenge. And that’s
what will keep me playing until
Capcom hopefully releases another
RTX 2070, i7-8700,
Three great characters
and a beautiful and fluid
combat system make
this a must-buy for
combat game fans.
difficulty level
remixes every
evil May Cry 5 is a 16-hour exploration of the hundreds of
ways a magical man might hit a demon. Nero hits demons
with robot arms like a hyper-aggressive Inspector Gadget.
Dante hits demons with two halves of a haunted motorbike.
V lets demons do the hitting for him. All things considered,
Devil May Cry 5 is one of the best games about hitting demons ever made.
Hell yes
devil May Cry 5 is one of the
best brawlers on PC. By Tom Senior
roCK aNd B-roll Scenes from DMC5’s bizarre rehearsal cutscenes
A cardboard box
stands in for Nero’s
Devil May Cry van.
V’s demon eagle is
represented by a man
dressed in a bin bag.
More complicated stunt
scenes require action
figures on sticks.
The demon Urizen is
played by this man in a
fetching mask.
DevilMayCry 5