mother via a type of in-game
screenshotting. It’s this art focus
which sets Eastshade apart from
other games which muddle about in
those high fantasy settings.
The game opens
with your character
being shipwrecked. You
wake up in a cave just
outside the tiny port of
Lyndow and start to
explore, quickly
accumulating a to-do
list, idly picking up
sticks and flowers, and
noting how picturesque everything is.
You learn how to make canvases out
of bits of wood and fabric under the
guise of teaching a little kid in
Lyndow how to do it.
Painting involves picking a canvas
- either a fresh one or a used one
you’re happy to paint over. Once
you’ve picked your surface you
compose the image. This is done by
cropping the view you have onscreen
using a rectangle guideline. Pressing
E paints whatever’s in the rectangle,
applying some effects so that what’s
quality. Each painting costs
inspiration, which you collect by
visiting new areas or doing tasks.
Games being pretty isn’t unusual,
but Eastshade’s design is closer to
that of a grand garden.
The buildings feel
more like follies than
functional houses, the
bridges come straight
from Arcadian
paintings, and curated
lines of sight are key.
Capturing specific
objects, people or areas
of Eastshade allows you to fulfil
commissions or make progress in
quests. The main purpose of the
game is to collect four paintings
which correspond to your mother’s
memories of the place, but in trying
to reach those locations you end up
following little side stories – a
religious conflict involving
hallucinogenic tea, a neighbourly
dispute over whether a guy who
keeps getting jars stuck on his head is
a good parent, a tiny detective quest
involving a stolen book.
There’s an element of crafting
here too, although it’s not particularly
complex. You can use what you
gather to brew teas which offer
different effects, trade feathers for
cash, or build a raft or a reed boat to
cross the water. I found that as long
as I remembered to pack my boat up
when I’d finished using it I only
needed to craft one.
The only time I was really paying
attention to my resources was when I
needed to make money. Figuring out
how to catch the largest kind of fish
meant I could soon afford a coat and
thus stay outside during the freezing
night. Traipsing round, picking up
feathers helped me pay the bridge
She’S a hoot
Eastshade isn’t huge – I finished in
about ten hours – but it is charming.
There are memorable characters –
Anika and her owl obsession, the
ship’s captain who hates you because
you don’t understand how much she
loved her boat, the night drummers
- and the screenshot mechanic is
enough of a point of difference that
the fairly familiar story setup still
feels fresh. You also see your own
paintings on people’s walls as you
turn in commissions.
The game crashed a lot so I’d
advise saving frequently. Some of the
tasks don’t flow smoothly. I could
also do with a few more map
markers, and sometimes the painting
interface didn’t register my clicks.
But even with these quibbles,
using image capture as part of the
game is fascinating. Tying it to a
finite resource and making you
compose a shot before you paint
means you make decisions about
what to capture in a different way to
What is it?
A relaxing first
person open world art
Windows 10, 16GB RAM,
Intel Core i7-5820k,
GeForceGTX 970
Eastshade is a charming
travelling artist
adventure which uses
image capture in
interesting ways.
The buildings
feel more like
follies than
o you know who I admire? Anika from Eastshade. Anika
lives in a little hut between the port of Lyndow and the city
of Nava in the game. She’s obsessed with owls. Can’t get
enough of them. When she’s not sitting in her hovel she’s
tramping through the ferns making hooting noises.
STaTe of The arT
eastshade makes screenshotting
an intrinsic part of play. By Philippa Warr
taKe your best shot
These games have an interesting take on image capture
Developed with
DeadEndThrills’ Duncan
Harris, NMS’ photo mode
offers filters, lighting
control and more.
The research camera
lets you learn enemy
weaknesses and gain
bonuses by taking
photos of foes.
Use the camera on
your in-game phone to
record evidence of
spooky goings-on in
your hometown.
Use the in-game
disposable camera to
snap a limited number
of shots, then order
them as real prints.