so many people brought interesting ideas and scenarios
and suggestions. Sitting down as a team, it took us quite a
while to settle on a final four!
The subject matter tackled by the Battlefield V
campaigns tends to be nuanced, heavy material. Tirailleur
discusses the erasure of people of colour, Nordlys
showcases a struggle between duty and love in a maternal
relationship, The Last Tiger stars a crew of Nazis, and so
on. However, the length of this mode is shorter than ever
- even considering the length of individual campaigns in
Battlefield 1. How did your team approach fitting this
complex material into an extremely tight timeframe, and
in your opinion, did you succeed?
Eric: It’s not really for me to say if we succeeded – that’s
up to each player of the game. I certainly hope they enjoy
each of them. But like BF1 I suspect everyone will have a
favourite that speaks to them the most.
Battlefield V brings the series back to World War II, but
particularly in its singleplayer portion, is set in areas of
the conflict that aren’t typically shown in popular media.
Was this a calculated risk? What did the team gain (and
lose) by not being able to return to old standbys like the
Normandy landing?
Eric: We decided from the outset that to go to WWII we
had to bring something new to the mix. I believe that was
part of the reason Battlefield 1 drew players in. But there is
an enormous amount of media about WWII, so our
challenge was to move beyond what you have already
seen and make it fresh again. Hopefully, we have
surprised players with our choices.
What criticisms of the singleplayer
campaign of Battlefield V have your
team taken onboard as useful
feedback going forward? Will we see
more significant additions to the
singleplayer portion in the future, like
the ultimate release of The Last Tiger
with the Overture update?
Eric: We absolutely listen to players
about what they enjoy most or what
they struggle with. From YouTube
playthroughs, through Twitter
threads to in-depth forum ess
DICE listens and engages. It’s
they want more. That’s better
had enough. As for future pla
anything here. But I am glad t
Considering public reactions
Battlefield V, do you believe t
singleplayer mode of this sca
of a Battlefield product?
Lars: It’s too early to talk abou
the positive reactions we have
Stories, and the way they help
era at hand, they are certainly
Battlefield V offering. We hav
different player types and this
experiences can shine throug
of all those who want additio
the world that they experienc
singleplayer or modes with m
ABOVE: The Under
No Flag campaign has
an abundance of
tactical options.
LEFT: Skiing down
slopes in one of the
signature levels of the
Nordlys campaign.
salways great that peoplesay
rthan people saying they’ve
ans,I can’t announce
tohear you’re interested.
to the campaignof
hat a dedicated
ut the future here but
egotten for our War
pus frame the historical
ya strong part of the full
eadiverse audience of
sis where the narrative
gh and fulfill the needs
naldimensions to
more players.