f there is anything that
experienced and successful
RC modelers have in com-
mon, it’s that they’ve learned to use
what works and gets the job done.
Before beginning to build your new
RC airplane, you should gather all the
things you’ll need for your project. The
list of materials for any build will include
hardware, and for that, you can’t go wrong
with Du-Bro Products.
Get the job done right
with Du-Bro
To be successful, you have
to start with quality (made
in the USA) hardware.
Th e phrase “a chain is only as strong as its weakest
link” applies to the production of strong, bind-free
control linkages. Du-Bro Products has many types
of specially designed control-linkage hardware,
and the two most popular for attaching linkages
to your servos are the E/Z Connector and the
Swivel Ball Link.
For light-duty linkages, such as for the engine
throttle, E/Z Connectors are great for short wire-
pushrod runs or fl exible cable pushrods. Just attach
one set to your servo arm and the other to the engine’s
throttle arm. Slide the fl ex cable and guide tube into
place, then tighten the setscrews; fi ne-tune by adjusting
your servo’s throw and endpoints. E/Z Connectors
(#121) are available in packages of two for $2.10. Th e
Kwik Grip E/Z Connector (#608) is designed to be used
with the Kwik Grip E/Z Connector Wrench (#609) for
extra-snug tightening; both are priced at $2.30.
If you want heavy-duty pushrods for your control
linkages (for the elevator, rudder, and large gas-engine
throttle arms), then Swivel Ball Links are the perfect
solution. Available in several sizes for use with 2-56,
2mm, and 4-40 threaded rods, they also come with
various attachment-bolt sizes and lengths. Th ey
are available in single and double packs (from $2.
to $4.35) as well as in 12-count packages ($21.00).
Stronger and more secure that standard clevises, the
Swivel Ball Links allow for a variable attachment angle
so that your control linkage won’t bind throughout the
servo arm’s travel.
Above: Th e Swivel Ball Links shown come with and without hard-
ware and for 4-40 and 2-56 attachment bolt. Right: For a really
secure installation, you can add a jam nut on the wire pushrod and
a no. 2 washer under the head of the attachment screw to prevent
the link body from coming off the ball swivel.
Above: Th e E/Z Connectors
are easy to use and come with
both plastic and metal retain-
ers. Below: Th e E/Z Connector
is shown attached to the
throttle servo arm.
Th ree important items that you don’t want to guess about when it comes to your
model airplane are hinges, control linkages, and a properly balanced propeller.
Let’s take a closer look at them.