Wency and Bret Becker get the amazing XB-70 prepped for another
electric-powered flight.
This is the electric-powered MiG-15 by Bob Violett, from his own BVM kit.
He’s one of the pioneers in jet modeling and still has remarkable flying skills.
Rob Baker’s Aviation Design “Storm” is reminiscent of a WW II–era German
design—the Lippisch.
The new E-flite F-4 Phantom has been well received by the foamie jet
almost-ready-to-fly community. It uses an 80mm EDF on 6S. Pretty
Delta planforms, like this CARF Eurofighter, seem to make hovering
maneuvers a bit easier to perform. Dazzling paint scheme!
This is Scott Marr’s Elite Aerosports Havoc GTS, just after liftoff. The Havoc
design is well proven and available in three sizes.
The BVM E-Bandit is a classic and well-proven design.
Ali Machinchy revives the old Art Scholl color scheme used on the Super
Chipmunk to good advantage on his Havoc. It uses KingTech power, has a
110-inch span, and weighs 63 pounds.
What do you get when you upsize an E-flite EDF Viperjet? Something
close to Tom Telesca’s Viperjet XXL from the Skymaster kit. It has a span of
140 inches and weighs 62 pounds.