Model Airplane News – August 2019

(Ron) #1
AUGUST 2019 53


Before covering, do a final fine sanding to remove any lingering
rough spots, then cover the model using your favorite lightweight
iron-on cover. The Champ is also a perfect candidate for a light
silkspan or a tissue-and-dope finish. Due to its somewhat
delicate structure and because weight is so important in the
flying qualities of these smaller models, I would not recommend,

however, using anything heavier than Hangar 9 UltraCote
Cover the entire structure, except for the fuselage bottom
from Station 7 forward. Align and glue the tail section in place,
then install the tail controls. Once the rudder and elevator control
systems are in place and adjusted properly, the bottom of the
fuselage can then be covered.

Set up the servo mounts, and install the elevator pushrod and
rudder pull-pull cables. A diagram is provided for setting up the
continuous-rudder cable routing. The aileron servos are glued
in place with silicone caulking. Build up the motor mount, and
glue it in place. Install the motor and ESC, and test-run to ensure
proper operation and direction of rotation. To complete the basic
frame-up, align and glue the cowl mounts in place, and trim the
cowl and windshield to fit.
Build up the lift struts over the plan. Cut the struts a little over-
sized, and hand-fit them onto the model. Make up the retention
clips, and fit the bottom clips in place on the struts. Lash the strut
mounting tubes in place on the wings and fuselage, using the
brass retainers shown on the plans. Then plug the wings into the
fuselage and set up the struts with a degree or so of washout in
each wing. To complete the strut assembly, fit the jury struts in
place and lash them to the lift struts. (Note: For a cleaner setup,
the strut retention tubes can be attached after the fuselage sides
and bottom of the wings are covered and the struts fitted after
the model has been covered.)

The rudder and elevator servos are mounted on balsa supports in the aft fuselage
cabin area.

A manila file folder is used to make the boot cowl, cabin window frames, and
door skin.

The door handle is made out of aluminum tubing and wire, and the door is hinged
using clear hinge tape. The lower strut fitting is secured using staples made out of
thin copper wire.
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