Model Airplane News – August 2019

(Ron) #1


use small amounts of elevator to fi ne-tune the
climb angle (Figure 3).
Without question, the most important aspect of
taking off at the novice stage is keeping the wings
level to avoid entering a turn low to the ground. It
only takes a couple of seconds for a wingtip to strike

the ground when pilots are so concerned with trying
to climb that they neglect to level the wings. Pilots
could forget to relax the elevator after liftoff and put
the plane into a stall, but if they kept the wings level,
then they would have several seconds to neutralize
the elevator and lower the nose to recover (Figure 4).

Figure 3
Small course
changes with
airplanes entail
briefl y bumping the
aileron (in and out)
to bank the wings
slightly, then hold-
ing a small amount
of up-elevator to
create a gentle turn.

Figure 2
Larger rudder corrections are
typically required at the start
of the ground roll. Th en, as the
speed increases and control
improves, briefl y bumping the
rudder works best.
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