The_20Scientist_20March_202019 (1)

(singke) #1


hypothesis. Then, Nicholas Franks and
William Lieb of Imperial College London
showed that the true targets of anesthetic
drugs were neuronal receptors embedded
in the membrane.^3
Neuronal receptors regulate the
probability that neurons will fire action
potentials, often by acting to control
channels for specific ions to go into
and out of nerve cells. Activating excit-
atory receptors increases a neuron’s fir-
ing potential, while activating inhibitory
receptors decreases it. Hence, anesthetic
drugs could, in principle, be grouped
into two main classes: those that activate
inhibitory receptors and those that inac-
tivate excitatory receptors. (See illustra-
tion on page 40.)
Inhaled ether derivatives and intrave-
nous propofol, the most widely used anes-
thetic drug, bind to the inhibitory GABAA
receptor. Under normal, physiologi-
cal conditions, the receptor is activated
by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
released from inhibitory neurons, and it
allows the flow of chloride ions into the
cell, dropping the relative voltage of the
neuron’s interior and thereby decreasing
the probability of firing an action poten-
tial. Anesthetic drugs that target this
receptor act as agonists to promote the
influx of chloride ions, further suppress-
ing the cell’s ability to fire.
Other anesthetics such as ketamine,
which was synthesized in 1962, and nitrous
oxide block the channel of the N-methyl
D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor.
Normally activated by the neurotransmit-
ter glutamate released from excitatory
neurons, the NMDA receptor allows the
flow of potassium ions out of the cell and
calcium and sodium ions in, increasing the
relative voltage of the neuron’s interior and
thereby increasing the probability of fir-
ing an action potential. Anesthetic drugs
that target this receptor act as antagonists
to block these ions fluxes, decreasing the
ability of the cell to fire.
Knowing the actions of anesthetic
drugs on the receptors still does not fully
explain how unconsciousness occurs,
however. Both GABA and NMDA recep-
tors are found on the excitatory and

inhibitory neurons that make up neu-
ronal circuits. The function of these cir-
cuits and their relationship to behavior
can be understood within the framework

of systems neuroscience: the changes in
ion fluxes produced by anesthetic binding
to receptors dramatically alters neuronal
activity across the brain, eliciting highly
structured oscillations. In humans, these
oscillations are readily visible in the EEG
readouts. They are of high amplitude and
lie within well-defined frequency bands
lower than those of unstructured, low-
amplitude oscillations seen in the brain
of a conscious person.
The observed waves depend critically
on which receptors are bound and how the
targeted regions are connected to other
areas of the brain. The oscillations change
systematically with anesthetic drug class,
drug dose, and patient age. For example,
alpha oscillations (8–12 Hz) produced by
GABAergic anesthetics depend critically
on excitatory and inhibitory connections
between the thalamus and the cortex.^4
The beta/gamma oscillations (15–50 Hz)
produced by ketamine^5 might depend on
blocking the NMDA receptors of inhibi-
tory and excitatory neurons in the cortex,
while the slow oscillations produced by
both GABA agonists6,7 and NMDA antag-
onists might depend on inhibition of the
brainstem and its projections to the thal-
amus and cortex (See illustration on page
41.) In elderly patients the oscillations
have lower amplitudes across all frequency
bands. These oscillations also dramatically
alter when neurons can spike, and impede
communication between brain regions
that play a role in consciousness.
The characteristics of the oscilla-
tions produced by anesthetics suggest
that they are a significant part of the

mechanism of anesthetic action, and
explain how the brain state of a patient
under general anesthesia can be reli-
ably tracked using the EEG. However,

monitoring brain activity has not been
standard in anesthesiology practice.
The early attempts to use EEG as an
additional piece of information to mon-
itor patients and inform the dose and
rate of anesthetic delivery focused on
developing an index that would pro-
vide a single readout of anesthetic state.
However, EEG activity observed during
general anesthesia is different across
people of different ages, and these
indices can be misleading when used
in children or elderly people. Further-
more, EEGs captured under general
anesthesia differ across drugs, and
aggregated indices cannot take these
differences into consideration.
For those reasons, in the last few years
anesthesiologists have begun to monitor
EEG readouts of brain signals during pro-
cedures involving general anesthesia. The
oscillation patterns for common anesthet-
ics are identifiable to the trained eye, and
the assessment of their frequencies can
be performed in real time with computer
aid, providing a more nuanced picture of a
patient’s brain state. This has allowed cli-
nicians to manage anesthetic drug dosing
in a more nuanced way and to reduce the
amount of anesthesia required to achieve
the same anesthetic state.^8 As we under-
stand more about how anesthetics work,
and gain more experience directly observ-
ing EEGs generated during anesthesia, the
practice will continue to be improved.

General anesthesia as treatment
In the last several decades, research on
brain activity patterns and general anes-

Anesthetic-induced oscillations dramatically
alter when neurons can spike, and impede
commu nication between brain regions that
play a role in consciousness.
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