Makes 8-10 servings depending on how you slice your cake.
This is a very quick and easy, yet elegant dessert. Be sure to use fresh, not
canned, pineapple. Good pound cake is available from bakeries or in the
bakery department at groceries, so you don’t have to bake from scratch, if you
don’t want to.
- 1-2 fresh pineapples, quartered and sliced in thick strips
- 1 pound cake
- 1 cup brown sugar
- ¼ cup Bourbon (choose a Bourbon that pairs well with pineapple)
Mix brown sugar with Bourbon until it forms a thin paste. Lay the pineapple
strips side by side in a baking dish. Brush the brown sugar mixture thickly
on the pineapple strips. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees and allow the
mixture to melt over the pineapple until warm and the pineapple can be easily
speared with a fork.
Lay pineapple strips over slices of pound cake and ladle any extra juice over
each slice. Serve immediately. Pour a neat glass of the same Bourbon used in
cooking the pineapple and enjoy!
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