GQ India – July 2019

(Joyce) #1


Your mastery over what to wear, when is important. But it all goes to pieces if your base layer
is off the mark. Worry not. Jockey shows you how to pair the right underwear with the right
occasion, so that you’re fashionable and comfortable, inside and out

Picture this: you’re Ross from Friends in
those clingy black leather pants trying
to go about your business. Not only do
you have those treacherous trousers
to deal with, but your underwear is
complicating matters further. Thankfully,
this is now a problem of the past. Jockey

  • the world’s favourite innerwear brand

  • recognises the need for comfort and
    also understands fashion. Here are
    four pieces from its repertoire to show
    you how to combine comfort, style and
    freedom, irrespective of the occasion.

You’ve both swiped right on that
app, a date has been fixed at a fancy
rooftop bar. And let’s face it. One thing
could lead to another, so you may as
well be prepared with these super
luxurious trunks from Jockey’s
International Collection. Comfortable
and stylish, we’d like to believe that
it will bolster your inner confidence.
It boasts abstract prints and a
stylish metallic waistband crafted
from super-soft elastane fabric that
promises unmatched comfort.
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