Simply Sewing - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

The thing we love


about sewing is that you

never master it completely

the comfort of your own home. And
what’s more, you can take the classes
in your pyjamas!
We all have such busy schedules
that it can be hard to commit to
specific dates or times to take classes,
which is why e-learning works so well for
so many people. Our years teaching people in person
gave us some valuable insights into the way people
learn and how even experienced sewists benefit from
learning visually. Being shown something by a real
person, even via the Internet, who can explain exactly
how and why something is done can be invaluable.

The thing we love most about sewing is that you never
master it completely. No matter where you are on
your sewing journey, there is always so much more
you can learn. Mastering a new skill unlocks new
elements of sewing and can elevate everything
you do from then onwards. We get so inspired
knowing that the sky is the limit and we are always
learning new skills ourselves.

Having just celebrated out first anniversary of The
Stitch Sisters online classes, we are excited about
what's next. We will be adding lots of new classes and
even expanding on some of our existing ones. With
The Great British Sewing Bee returning again, we are
excited about all of the people who will discover this
wonderful hobby for the first time.
See more at

Keeping us inspired...^
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using AGF Rayon solids

Nikki and Rachel are both
self-taught sewists, so they're
able to understand what
newbies need at the beginning
of their sewing journey

Colour blocking and clashing are

here to stay for spring/summer 2020

Starting with an easy-sew fabric

will make your life a lot easier

Free download pdf