Truck & Driver Summer 2019
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Drivers taking photos.
German police were
stopping and asking
those doing so if
perhaps they would
like to come and take
some photos at a fatal
accident scene.
Shunter of
the Month
This is just about your definitive yard
shunter, an ERF E10 325 looking
weather-worn yet still remarkably
intact. Such is the level of technology
in these old trucks, and the corrosion
resistance of the glassfibre cab, they’ll
probably outlast all of us! The photo
was supplied by Rich Ellis, who says:
“This ERF is based in Cannock and
works for a commercial bodyshop
moving trailers.”
Marty Mone
Simon Rigo
Jeremy Vine Mike Ponsonby
Dave Harford
Jason Robinson
Good on the policeman
Angela Cox
Well done. A girl local to me
found out her father had died
in an accident when a picture
of his car was posted on FB.
Disgraceful, the trouble is
people don’t think about what
they are doing. They go through
life like it’s a movie
Vitalijus Bulka
There is no messing about
with German police. They are
Hamish Peters
See it way too often here
David Darby
The police should do that over
here in this country as well, as
it may make people think twice
when they drive past accidents
James Hammond
Good. We should be doing the
same here
Jedrek Wedrowniczek
Very good. That would give a lot
of people a lesson
Truck Loon
That will teach them to show
disrespect. Should try that in
the UK