Truck & Driver UK – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Truck & Driver Summer 2019^35


he tells us. “The Kenworth is a
challenge but it can manage UK
roads – just!” George has driven
more than 3000 miles in the
truck this year. He takes it to
various events over the summer,
transporting a cargo of go-kart
trucks for his wife’s business,
Mini-Movie Trucks; George has
built scale 6.5hp replicas of
famous trucks, including Convoy
and Smokey and the Bandit.
“It’s the perfect opportunity for
me to get to drive the truck,” says
George. “It’s not cheap to run but
the fuel economy is no worse
than my old Foden Alpha with
CAT450 engine.”
Once out on the road, we’re
treated to the full Detroit
soundtrack. In the film Convoy,
the engine sound from Rubber
Duck’s Mack was
overdubbed with audio
from a Kenworth with the

Re-creating the opening credits from the film, although George didn’t lock up the trailer wheels!

As the Snowman said, “The more wheels I got, the better I like it...”
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