Life & Style Weekly – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

32 August 12, 2 019

{ cover story }

One of the most private spots on the 1,40 0 -
acre island is Obsidian, a six-bedroom hilltop
compound on the southern tip featuring
sweeping sea views, a swimming pool, game
rooms and a dedicated staff that includes a
butler and chef plus two full-time gardeners
and housekeepers. The Cambridges don’t
have to worry about curious tourists getting
too close, either: The private island’s security
team is led by a former chief of Scotland Yard!

ing hours in the water,” shares
the source, including 15-month-
old Louis, “though he has to wear
f loaties!” Birthday boy George
— who turned 6 on July 22 — got
some extra attention in celebra-

tion of his special day, too. The fu-
ture king “had a party on the beach
with his family,” says the source.
“The kids spent the day going snor-
keling and building sandcastles
together, followed by a barbecue
in the evening — burgers, sausag-
es and fish grilled by the private

chef.” William also opened his roy-
al wallet and surprised his family
with a special treat. “He chartered
an amazing 200-foot yacht, which
came with a Jacuzzi and a slide
going into the ocean,” says the
source. “They had a huge picnic on
board and George and Charlotte
tried fishing for the first time.”
They also enjoyed activities on
land. Charlotte “has a passion for
horses” like great-grandmother
Queen Elizabeth II and “went
horseback riding on the beach
with George and William,” con-
tinues the source, who notes that
the elder Cambridge kids “also
played tennis daily on the island’s
public court.”

William and Kate got some much-
needed alone time as well. “It’s
no secret that it’s been a diffi-
cult year for them between ten-
sion with Meghan and Harry, and
rumors of William’s rumored af-
fair” with longtime family friend
Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness

of Cholmondeley, who lives near
their country home, Anmer Hall,
dishes the source. As Life & St yle
previously reported, Kate’s been
concerned about the fate of her
marriage since recently learning
Rose is headed for divorce.
But William went all out in Mus-
tique, which holds a special place
in their hearts. (They’ve been vis-
iting the privately owned posh is-
land, which is part of the Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines chain,
since before they wed. It’s long been
a favorite vacation destination for
the Middletons, and William’s
late great-aunt Princess Margaret
loved it so much, she built a vaca-
tion home there!) “William planned
a super-romantic date night, sur-
prising Kate with a five-course
candlelit dinner on the beach,” the
source reveals. “An intimate eve-
ning together was just what Wil-
liam and Kate needed to help them
reconnect.” Though it was a pricey
holiday — $7 million with all the
bells and whistles, says the source,
“it was worth every cent.”

The time

William and

Kate spent


helped them


  • a source

A Palace

in Paradise!



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