
(Ben W) #1
gutter credit tk

Play Your Best GD Schools

20 | may 2019

“The best putters have flowing backstrokes

and short follow-throughs.”



▶ It seems like an
easy-enough task:
Hit every putt in
the middle of the
clubface. But poor
contact leads to a
lot of missed putts.
A great way to train
for a center strike
is to wrap rubber
bands around the
clubhead so only
the sweet spot is
exposed (left). Every
time you practice,
you’ll get feedback
on where you struck
the ball on the face.


▶ This gadget attached to my putter is called a Navigator (below, left). It teaches
you how to keep the putterface square to the target longer. You can also tie a
Sharpie to your putter to get the same effect (below, right). Here I’m putting, trying
to keep the Navigator hovering over a yardstick, which means the putter’s face is
square to my line—the yardstick. To do this, I have to deloft the putter in the back-
stroke and increase its loft in the through-stroke. I’m training my hands to make
a slight twisting motion to achieve that. This is going to impart a lot of energy on
the ball—key to getting it to the hole and avoiding the yips (more on that, right).

▶ If you add a burst of energy into the stroke just before
the putterhead reaches the ball, you’re putting like you
have the yips. The burst is a result of making too short of
a backstroke and subconsciously knowing you won’t have
enough power in the swing to reach the hole. The best
putters do the opposite. They have a flowing backstroke
and a short follow-through—even on long putts. So to
avoid the yips, try putting their way, and be sure to keep
the face square to the start line after impact. In fact, hold
your finish, watching the ball tumble (above). Stare at it
long enough, and you’ll probably see it drop.

mario guerra, a Golf Digest Best Young Teacher, is director
of golf at Quaker Ridge G.C., in Scarsdale, N.Y.

if you like these putting shortcuts, you’ll love this

▶ You’ve probably been told a number of times that working on your short game
is the real key to lowering scores. But you don’t want to waste your time working
on the wrong things, right? In my Golf Digest Schools video series, “Short-Game
Shortcuts,” I’ll show you exactly what to focus on—and it’s only five shots!
To see this series and dozens of others, go to g o l f d i g e s t. c o m/a l l a c c e s s.
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