Woman’s Weekly Living Series – July 2019

(Dana P.) #1

Go on...

Here’s why you should get swimming

in the open air. Plus what to watch for

and three of the best UK lidos to visit


ike any exercise,
swimming can help
to prevent circulatory
disease, cancer,
diabetes, obesity,
and other conditions,
says Dr Melanie
Wynne-Jones. Here’s
what else it can do
for your health
It boosts your mood
Being outdoors,
especially in green
spaces, can boost
our mood and help with
mental health problems.
Going for open water gives
an added fun factor.
It stimulates your brain
It’s physically and mentally
less predictable than
lane swimming, so
it challenges our
brains as well as
our bodies.
It helps you
shape up
It works your
arms, legs and
core, ramps up
your heart and
lung health and
burns over 300
calories in just
30 minutes.
It helps build
Swimming with ot
people builds soci

relationships, which is also
very good for our health.
It helps your bones
While swimming isn’t an
‘impact’ exercise which
is recommended to help
build healthy bones, the
extra ultraviolet light
on our skin produces
vitamin D, even
on cloudy days.
Just remember to
wear waterproof
sunblock if you’re
outside for
long periods.

Take The


6 things

to watch
✿Never swim alone, too far, or after a heavy
meal, and wear a brightly coloured hat and
swimsuit/wetsuit so you’re easy to see.
✿Plunging into cold water, even on a hot day, can trigger
dangerous muscle cramp or even, rarely, heart problems.
Ease in slowly, and get out when you feel tired or cold, and
have warm clothes waiting.
✿Be sure to look out for warning signs, beach flags, and the
location of any life-rings and emergency telephones.
✿Also check for hidden hazards: submerged objects, depth
changes, currents, tides, toxins (sewage, etc).
✿Avoid blue-green algae. After warm, wet weather, algae
can multiply and a powdery green scum can collect
in lakes. It can cause rashes, irritate eyes and
make you sick if you swallow it.
✿ Protect cuts with plasters in case of
Weil’s disease from rat urine.
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