
(lily) #1
MH.CO.ZA/ August 2019 125

We’re airborne. I’m a passenger in a

supercar with the roof down and we’re

hurtling down the side of this mountain.

I noticed the speedometer at 170km/h

before I saw the road snake hard to the

right, a sickening feeling flooding my

body as we start... flying. My eyes clamp

shut, I bear-hug myself, willing my 1.8m

frame to disappear.

  • UUUUUCK! I am going to die. I

assumed if I ever died in a car, I’d be the

one driving. Let it be quick. I don’t want

to slowly asphyxiate after breaking my

neck. That would suc –

A massive impact jerks the car

around. My butt lifts out of the seat but

the seat belt pins me. It feels like piano

wire trying to split me. Ambient light
seeping through my clenched eyelids
vanishes. It’s dark, and we’re still
careening at extreme speed.
Did we just roll? Are we upside down?
We are inverted and not slowing down.
Another enormous bang and we’re
right side up again, per my internal
gyroscope. We’re still airborne and
there’s a moment of nothingness,
just whooshing wind and that
stomach-dropping feeling, like on an
amusement park ride that plummets
you 15 stories in five seconds. Is this like
the eye of the storm, the calm before shit
gets real? Will the landing be what kills
me? When will we lan—
An explosive thud, and we’re rolling

over again. I can’t take much more.
Please, let this end. We slam around
again, and finally come to a creaking
rest. I blink twice, recalibrating my
eyes, blinded by the bright sunlight.
We’re right side up. Smoke from the
airbags and a cloud of dust envelop the
chirping car in a hazy cloud, but it’s not
on fire. Small victory there. My eyes
survey my body for blood or compound
fractures. No visible wounds. Next,
I spastically fire each of my limbs,
praying for painless function. Success.
My fingers frantically spider over my
face, feeling for gashes or anomalies.
Normal. The driver checks out, too.
I close my eyes. For the first time
since the car left the road, I exhale.

The recovered
McLaren 570S,
missing the front
fascia and still
wearing a coating
of mountain dirt.


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