What’s On Dubai – July 2019

(Nora) #1
07.2019_What’s On_ 33

Should it stay

or should it go?

We asked Maureen
Lim, the first KonMari
Consultant in the
Middle East, and
currently the only
Certified KonMari
Consultant in the UAE, for
her top tips on decluttering...

TIP #1
Commit yourself to tidying up.
Set a deadline and stick to it. On
average, 3-6 months is the ideal
time to complete the entire home.
TIP #2
Tidy by category, not by
location. The key is to gather all
items in a given category, into
one place and tidy them all at
once. Not room by room.
TIP #3
Follow the right order. Tidy
clothes, books, papers, then
miscellaneous items and finally
sentimental items.
TIP #4
Always focus on what you
want to keep in your life rather
than what to discard. Get rid of
anything that doesn’t touch your
heart: this means items that make
you happy, are useful, beautiful or
anything that adds value to your
life or has a purpose.
TIP #5
If you haven’t worn an item for
years, it is an indication that an
item doesn’t spark joy. Maybe
it’s not your style. Thank it and
let it go.
TIP #6
Presents are not ‘things’,
but a means for conveying
someone’s feelings. If
something simply doesn’t suit
your taste, you can let it go but
be mindful not to hurt to feelings
of the giver.

a Maureen Lim owns The Power
Of Tidy: Tel: (050) 3408656,
[email protected].



E-waste management

We in the UAE are some of the
biggest electronic consumers
in the world and there’s no
denying that we like the latest
gadget as soon as it’s out.
This can lead to a build-up of
unwanted tech goodies that
no longer excite us. Contact
recycling companies such as
Enviroserve and Averda to
safely recycle or dispose of your
e-waste items such as laptops,
printers, tablets, mobile
phones, TVs, stereos, scanners,
copiers and fax machines.
q enviroserve.org, averda.com

Store and keep safe
Finding a storage facility is particularly useful
if you’re downsizing, want somewhere to keep
files you don’t need access to all the time, want
to hold on to some kids’ clothes until you’re
ready for baby number two or you’re just not
ready to say goodbye to certain sentimental
items that are taking up a little too much room.
The UAE has a number of storage options,
from self-storage lockers with easy 24-hour
access at Morespace in Al Quoz (prices start
at Dhs295 +VAT a month for a locker that
can hold four large suitcases, discounts will
be applied for multiple months) or large
warehouse units at ExtraSpace, who can also
help if you decide to ship things to your home
country to store there instead.
q morespace.ae, extraspaceme.com

Display sentimental pieces
Despite our love for a selfie and taking all our
pictures on our mobile phones these days,
you’ll be surprised at how many of us still
have piles of old photographs filling drawers
and boxes. Take the time to transfer them into
photo albums that can be easily accessed for
viewing. Pick your favourites to be framed in a
traditional or edgy way by new UAE start-up
Draft Frames, so you and your family can enjoy
them every day. Framing might also be an
option for small pieces of sentimental jewellery.
q draftframes.com
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