What’s On Dubai – July 2019

(Nora) #1


07.2019_What’s On_ 51

The Lion King

The long-awaited remake hits the silver screen
It doesn’t matter if you’ve watched the original 1994 animated classic more than
50 times, seen the West End musical or know all the words to every song (in fact,
that’s a bonus). This is not your average remake, churned out of treadmill because
it has run out of ideas. This is flawless CGI so lifelike you will think the animals in
Blue Planet have always been able to talk. This is the heartache of losing Mufasa
for a second time multiplied by a million.

DIRECTOR: Jon Favreau
CAST: Beyoncé, Seth Rogen,
Donald Glover

Was signing up to play Simba
an easy decision?
“[The Lion King] is a timeless
story, but I think the way
[director] Jon Favreau has
constructed it, it’s a very timely
story as well. I just wanted to be
a part of a global good.”
The CGI in this film is
“It was really really amazing. I’ve
never seen anything like it. To be
able to have that type of mobility
in an actual world is the first of
its kind, I think. How [Favreau]
melded new and old tech was
really inspiring.”
What was it like to sing
with Beyoncé?
“We started recording some stuff
and it’s like, you know, it’s a little
intimidating! Just hearing her
do it, it’s been like, ‘Man, this is a
really special thing.’”

The Mane Man

If you haven’t heard Donald
Glover aka Childish Gambino’s
hit This is
America, you
must have been
living under Pride
Rock. But the
musician’s star has
also skyrocketed on the acting
stage, with his drama Atlanta and
his turn as the legendary Lando
Calrissian in Solo: A Star Wars
Movie receiving equal critical
acclaim. In Disney’s live action
remake of The Lion King, Glover
roars on as Simba.



Photo: Disney
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