Rifle Shooter – July 2019

(Jeff_L) #1
44 http://www.rifleshootermagazine.co.uk


he text that came through on
my phone said: “Hi Mark. We
have a big fox problem in the
village. 20 chickens killed in
daylight hours so far in three days. I
am just waiting for the farmer to give
permission to shoot, but is there any
chance you are around to eradicate the
problem please?”
The sender was a woman I know
from a local zoo where over the years I
have shot numerous foxes coming into

the zoo and killing birds and small
mammals. Her house is one of a dozen
or so houses in a row backing onto
open farmland not far from both the
zoo and a dairy farm I also look after.
The back gardens to these
houses are easily accessed by foxes
through hedges that back onto a
horse paddock and surrounding fields
of maize, which at the time was still
very short. Several of the houses keep
chickens, all of which had been raided



Mark Ripley has an urgent call to action – and gets results in rapid fashion!

during the day with a large dark-
coloured fox seen carrying the
carcasses away across the fields.
The idea of shooting the fox was met
with mixed opinions from the residents

  • one couple showed dislike to the
    idea so the other residents and the
    farmer decided it needed to be done
    discreetly at night despite the fox
    visiting by day. I was quite happy with
    that as I didn’t want to come into
    conflict with any of the residents and




BELOW: Mark’s
.223 rifle with scope
and Rekon tripod
on a night out
Free download pdf