The Boston Globe - 08.08.2019

(Joyce) #1

A2 The Boston Globe THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2019

The Nation

Manning will not get a hearing
to challenge steep daily penal-
ties imposed for her refusal to
testify before a grand jury in-
vestigating WikiLeaks.
In an order issued Monday,
Judge Anthony Trenga in sub-
urban Alexandria, Va., federal
court said there were no ‘‘rea-
sonable grounds’’ to reconsid-
er his decision to impose the
fines, which started at $
daily and have now risen to
$1,000 a day. She could be in-
carcerated for a total of 18
months; her attorneys esti-
mate that the total cost will be
close to half a million dollars.
Manning had argued that
she did not have the financial
ability to pay the fines and
asked for a hearing to make
that clear. Trenga found that
she ‘‘has the ability to comply

... or will have the ability after

her release from confinement.’’
In a statement Wednesday,
she said: ‘‘I am disappointed
but not at all surprised. The
government and the judge
must know by now that this
doesn’t change my position
one bit.’’
Prosecutors wanted Man-
ning to testify about her inter-
actions with WikiLeaks found-
er Julian Assange, to whom
she leaked thousands of classi-
fied government cables in

  1. Manning spent seven
    years in a military prison for
    her disclosures before being
    released by President Barack
    Since Manning first went to
    jail in March, Assange has
    been arrested and charged
    with violating the Espionage
    Act. She argues that her testi-
    mony is no longer necessary.

Manning is rebuffed on fines

Calif. — A Southern California
seaside community is in an up-
roar after a home was given a
new paint job featuring two
huge emojis on a bright pink
Manhattan Beach residents
railed against the makeover
during a City Council meeting
Tuesday night, citing problems
with spectators.
One speaker called the
paint job graffiti and another
said it was an attack on neigh-
Both bright yellow emojis

are cross-eyed and have dis-
tinctly big eyelashes.
One has a goofy expression
with its tongue hanging out.
The other has its mouth zip-
pered shut.
The new paint job ap-
peared after neighbors report-
ed the home was being used
for short-term rentals and the
homeowner was fined $4,000.
Owner Kathryn Kidd told
KABC-TV she didn’t realize
short-term rentals weren’t al-
lowed and she denied the re-
decoration is retaliation.

A message in the eye of the beholder

A Montana man allegedly
slammed a boy’s head to the
ground at a county fair be-
cause the 13-year-old kept his
hat on during the national an-
them, a witness told local
news outlets.
Mineral County Sheriff
Mike Boone said witnesses
identified the suspect as 39-
year-old Curt James Brockway.
Brockway was arrested at the
fairgrounds, located in the
western Montana town of Su-
perior, and charged with as-
sault on a minor — a felony.
Taylor Henneck, who at-
tended the event, told local
news outlets she overheard the
attack near the fairground en-
trance, just as the national an-

them began to play.
The woman said she heard
a ‘‘pop,’’ and turned to see the
boy writhing on the ground.
‘‘He was bleeding out of his
ears, seizing on the ground,
just not coherent,’’ Henneck
told The Missoulian. She said
Brockway offered a simple de-
fense for his actions.
‘‘He said [the boy] was dis-
respecting the national an-
them so he had every right to
do that,’’ she added.
KPAX, a CBS-affiliated
news station, reported that the
boy suffered temporal skull
fractures in the incident. His
mother told the station her
son’s ears bled for six hours.

Boy wearing hat during anthem attacked

The Puerto Rico Supreme
Court threw the leadership of
the island into new turmoil on
Wednesday, ruling that the
governor who took over last
week, Pedro Pierluisi, was
sworn in on unconstitutional
The unanimous ruling
ousted Pierluisi and paved the
way for Wanda Vázquez, the
secretary of justice, to take the
oath of office as Puerto Rico’s
third governor in five days.
With her husband and
daughter by her side, Vázquez
raised her right hand and was
sworn in by Chief Justice
Maite D. Oronoz Rodríguez at
the Supreme Court in San
Juan, the capital.
“Puerto Rico needs certain-
ty and stability,” Vázquez, who
had previously said she did not
want the job, said in a state-
ment before her swearing-in.
She became the second female
governor in Puerto Rican his-

The 29-page ruling said
Pierluisi could not remain as
governor, and called for “an or-
derly succession.”
Shortly before 5 p.m., Pier-
luisi said he would step aside.
He had earlier left La Fortale-
za, the governor’s official resi-
dence, in a black SUV with
tinted windows.
“I want to be clear that the
only motivation I have had
during this time, as always,
has been the well-being of
Puerto Rico,” he said in a state-
ment, in which he wished
Vázquez well in her new role.
The court ruled in favor of
the Puerto Rico Senate, which
sued late Sunday asking the
court to issue a preliminary in-
junction against Pierluisi tak-
ing over the office of chief ex-
ecutive. He became governor
Friday, even though he had not
been confirmed as secretary of
state by both chambers of the
Legislative Assembly.

Another governor in Puerto Rico

The owner of the home denied the new paint job was
intended as retaliation against neighbors.

Cyntoia Brown, who served
15 years of a life sentence for
killing a man who had picked
her up when she was a teenage
trafficking victim, was re-
leased from a Tennessee pris-
on Wednesday, the Depart-
ment of Corrections said.
Brown’s story made nation-
al headlines, raised awareness
of the plight of trafficked
young people, and
inspired a push for
criminal justice re-
form in Tennessee.
In January, the
state’s governor at
the time, Bill
Haslam, granted
her clemency.
Brown, now 31,
ran away from her
adoptive family at
16 and lived in a
motel with a pimp
who raped her and
forced her into
prostitution, ac-
cording to court documents.
In 2004, Johnny Allen, 43,
a real estate broker, picked up
Brown at a Nashville restau-
rant and drove her to his home
after she agreed to engage in
sexual activity for $150, the
documents say.
Brown testified that, at one
point when they were in his
bedroom, she thought he was
reaching for a gun to kill her.
She shot him in his sleep with
a handgun that had been in
her purse, took money and
two guns, and fled.

She was arrested and tried
as an adult on charges of first-
degree murder and aggravated
robbery. In 2006, Brown was
convicted by a Davidson Coun-
ty jury of those charges and
sentenced to life in prison. She
would not have been eligible
for parole until 2055.
clemency, he set her release for
Aug. 7, which com-
muted her sen-
tence to 15 years
from the date she
was arrested.
Brown was de-
scribed by support-
ers as a model pris-
oner. She earned
her high school
equivalency diplo-
ma and an associ-
ate degree through
Lipscomb Univer-
sity, and she start-
ed working on a
bachelor’s degree.
Her case attracted increas-
ing attention, propelled by
support from celebrities in-
cluding Rihanna and Kim Kar-
dashian West. Lawmakers in
Tennessee urged Haslam to
grant clemency before his
term ended, pointing out that
since her conviction, the laws
about trying teenagers as
adults had changed.
But a detective who had
worked on the murder case
urged the governor to oppose

Trafficking victim freed after 15 years

Reporting corrections

The Globe welcomes information about errors that call for
corrections. Information may be sent to [email protected] or
left in a message at 617-929-8230.

Daily Briefing

By Jeff Stein
crats are divided over Presi-
dent Trump’s increasingly con-
frontational approach to trade
with China, a surprising lack
of unity for a party that has
stood starkly against most of
Trump’s positions.
Several of the party’s lead-
ing presidential hopefuls have
railed against Trump’s trade
war, accusing the president of
confronting China erratically
while causing needless eco-
nomic pain. But they are also
arguing they would prove
tougher on China than Trump,
a message that may be hard to
reconcile with their vows to
ease or reverse the damage
caused by the widening trade
And some top Democratic
lawmakers have only egged
him on, as Trump took an ac-
tion this week — deeming Chi-
na a ‘‘currency manipulator’’
— they have long advocated.
‘‘They’re stuck. They want
to say the dramatic steps tak-
en by the Trump administra-
tion haven’t been effective, but
they also say we need to rene-
gotiate with China,’’ said Ernie
Tedeschi, who served as a
mist in the Obama adminis-
tration. ‘‘With trade wars,
there’s a tension between
helping domestic manufactur-
ers and keeping pain away
from consumers. That’s their
On other issues, such as im-
migration, tax cuts, or sustain-
ing the Affordable Care Act,
Democrats have been able to
demonstrate a broad consen-
sus against Trump’s policies,
even if they have differences
among themselves about the
best way forward. But as trade
becomes a bigger and poten-
tially more calamitous issue
going into the election year,
with the stock market seesaw-
ing and the economy slowing,
Democrats could face louder
calls to better define their
plans and how they differ with
The tension in part reflects
the disparate impact of
Trump’s trade war on key vot-
ing blocs, analysts and experts
say. Union steelworkers, for
instance, want the next Demo-
cratic president to maintain
Trump’s tariffs on imported
Chinese steel, which have
made the steel business more
But in other parts of the
Midwest, farmers are pushing
for what amounts to the oppo-
site, demanding the next
Democratic presidential can-
didate resolve the trade con-
flict so they can resume ex-
porting their products to Chi-
‘‘The problem is that, if
you’re not listening carefully,
Trump correctly identifies the
symptom of the trade prob-
lem, and the data is the data,’’
said a trade adviser to Demo-
cratic presidential campaigns
who spoke on the condition of
anonymity and was not autho-
rized to speak publicly. ‘‘The
challenge is making people
understand his solution is not
the real one.’’
The economic battle be-
tween the United States and
China flared again last week
when the Trump administra-
tion vowed to this September
slap 10 percent tariffs on $
billion in Chinese imports af-
ter negotiations faltered.

China responded by allow-
ing its tightly controlled cur-
rency to depreciate in value,
which could hurt US produc-
ers by raising the cost of the
dollar. The Trump administra-
tion retaliated on Monday af-
ternoon by labeling China a
‘‘currency manipulator,’’ alleg-
ing the country had improper-
ly manipulated its currency.
An international trade war
raising costs for US consumers
and imperiling economic
growth may appear to be per-
fect fodder for an opposition
party heading into a presiden-
tial election cycle.
Part of Democrats’ chal-
lenge is that Trump has taken
some actions long demanded
by labor unions and the par-
ty’s liberals, who have for
years called for the govern-
ment to take stricter action to
curb Chinese trade practices.
didates have offered few con-
crete pledges to undo specific
trade enforcement actions tak-
en by the president, and some
of their policy prescriptions
would be difficult to enact.
As a result, the party’s pres-
idential hopefuls have some-
times appeared unable to ex-
ploit what has consistently
proven to be one of Trump’s
most risky gambits in the
White House.
‘‘They are conflicted. On

the one hand, they oppose the
harm from Trump’s trade war
and how he has waged it,’’ said
Steven Kyle, a Cornell eco-
nomics professor. ‘‘On the oth-
er hand, they used to be on his
side of this and, in some cases,
have long supported using tar-
iffs to confront China. It is a
The Democratic campaigns
argue they will try to draw a
difference with Trump on
On Friday, former vice
president Joe Biden slammed
Trump’s ‘‘irresponsible tariff
war’’ for hurting farmers,
workers, and consumers.
Biden has argued the United
States should instead work
with Europe and other Asian
countries to form a coalition
that would exert stronger
pressure on China, an ap-
proach similar in theory to the
Trans-Pacific Partnership pro-
posed under President Obama
but later scuttled amid Demo-
cratic opposition. Biden has
said he would renegotiate the
TPP if elected.
Senator Kamala Harris, a
California Democrat, has simi-
larly repeatedly assailed
Trump’s tariffs as a ‘‘trade tax,’’
arguing that the ‘‘so-called
trade policy’’ has led to bil-
lions in additional spending
by American families on nec-
essary household items.
Democratic Senators Ber-
nie Sanders of Vermont and
Elizabeth Warren of Massa-
chusetts have spoken favor-
ably about Trump applying
tariffs to China, as many labor
unions have been supportive
of the president’s efforts. But
they have also argued they
would do more for American
workers in negotiations with
China, in particular vowing to
promote union rights and
curb environmental damage.

Democrats split

over Trump’s

China trade war









economics professor


NEBRASKA STORM —A strong thunderstorm with high winds moved through Grand Island, Neb., on
Wednesday, causing damage and flooding. Irene Klein (above) swept debris from her driveway with a large
downed tree behind her. The wind knocked down several trees throughout the city, blocking many roadways.

Cyntoia Brown was
tried as an adult
for killing a man
who picked her up.
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