First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1

Around August 15, you may feel ready
to ta ke your wel lness routine to t he
next level. Bold, big-picture think-
ing sets you up for sure results. From
August 23 to September 23, the confi-
dent sun in your sign gives you a burst
of energ y t hat f uels your most a mbi-
tious efforts on the job. You’ll soar!

(Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

(Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

(Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

(July 23–Aug. 22)

Don’t be afraid to share what’s in
your heart with your mate around
August 15. Honest conversation
brings the understanding you need.
From Aug ust 21 to September 14,
you’ll be laser focused on achieving
mind-body ba lance. Ta ke some time
away for a revitalizing boost!

(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

(June 21–July 22)

(May 21–June 20)

(Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

(Apr. 20–May 20)

While Mercury is in your tenth house
of career from August 11 to 29, make
a play for more responsibility on the
job. Your confidence and drive is
sure to impress higher-ups! Around
August 15, you could be craving qual-
ity time with loved ones. Prioritize it
to strengthen bonds all around.

On August 14, when the sun and
Venus pair up in your second house of
income, taking a fun-loving approach
to your work could boost cash f low.
Follow your heart! From August 18 to
October 3, learning more about small
but powerful tweaks to your wellness
routine leaves you feeling amazing.

When the sun and Venus pair up in
your ninth house of adventure come
August 14, a special date night with
your mate is sure to set sparks f ly-
ing! From August 18 on, a burst of
confidence makes it easier than ever
to reach career goals. Try a prag-
matic approach for a sure win.

Spending time w it h your mate dis-
cussing shared needs is key around
August 15. The more effort you
ma ke now, t he easier it is to get in
sync down the road. From August 18
on, you’ll pursue a moneymaking
goal. Offer up your best ideas—an
impressive return is on t he horizon!

Sparks f ly as you share your deep-
est desires with your mate from
August 11 to 29! And with the full
moon in your second house of
income around Aug ust 15, work-
life balance is within reach. Focus
on adding fun to your daily hustle
for an extra dose of empowerment.

Researching a new approach to your
wellness plan boosts your vitality
from August 11 to 29. And from
August 21 to September 21, you’ll
find yourself craving more quality
time with your mate. Enjoy a get-
away or special date night and you’ll
be falling in love all over again!

You’ l l do wel l to work toward a shared
goa l w it h your par tner from Aug ust 11
to 29. A collaborative effort makes for
success and a stronger bond! Around
Aug ust 15, when t he f u l l moon is in
your sign, assert your needs in terms
of your goals. Set an intention and make
your move—it’s your time to shine!

Around August 15, you may be putting
your all into a group project. Keep at
it: Working with others feels especially
f u lf i l ling now! Wit h Mars in your si x t h
house of wellness from August 18 on,
you’ll be tempted to take a daring step
in your wel lness routine. Ma ke sure it
feels right for you before diving in.

Higher-ups may ask you to take on
a big project around August 15. Step
up to the plate and your career will
f lourish! With Venus in your fifth
house of romance from August 21 to
September 14, you’ll feel like enjoying
fun activities with your mate. Go with
the f low to make sweet memories!

If you’ve been thinking about pitch-
ing a big plan with a colleague, you’ll
get a green light after August 11.
Relying on each other’s strength
amps your potential for a win!
From August 21 to September 14,
spend at-home time with loved
ones for a heart-happy boost.

horoscope by Maressa Brown August 1 through August 26

8/26/19 First for women 115

(Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

(Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
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