First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1

nutrition weight-loss discovery

26 First for women 8/26/19

Oxford-educated M.D. reveals the

genius diet-cycling plan that combines

the fat-blasting effects of keto with the

energ y-boosting benefi ts of ca rbs, so

you’ll drop pounds faster tha n ever—

without deprivation


eto continues to dominate Google’s
most-searched diet terms and Amazon’s
bestseller list—and it’s no surprise
why! There’s plenty of scientific evidence that
a low-carb ketogenic diet works wonders: In
the lab, it’s been shown to improve memory by
62%, boost mood by 52% and decrease heart-
harming triglycerides by 300%—and that’s on
top of the fact that a recent study in The Journal
of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
showed that women on a very low-carb diet
dropped more than twice as much weight as
women on a calorie-restricted diet.
But as anyone who’s tried the keto diet
knows, following the food formula is easier
said than done. We start off with good inten-
tions, but symptoms like headaches, brain
fog, fatigue and bloat make staying the course
difficult —in fact, experts report that 75% of
women who try a low-carb diet are derailed by
such issues. “The keto diet has so many ben-
efits,” says Robert Santos-Prowse, R.D., author


The timing tweak that burns 120% more fat

Keto cycling allows you to enjoy carbs two days a week while still
getting the benefits of the keto diet—and you can reap even more
impressive results simply by eating the majority of your carbs in the after-
noon and evening, according to a study published in the journal Obesity.
In the study, adults who skimped on carbs in the morning and loaded up
in the afternoon and evening lost 120% more weight than those who ate
carbs throughout the day—plus, they shed 25% more inches from their
belly and felt less hungry overall. Researchers posit that this carb-timing
strategy keeps cortisol levels lower throughout the day to prevent weight
gain and promotes the production of sleep-fostering brain chemicals that
increase fat burn throughout the night. For best results, enjoy^1 ⁄ 2 cup of
carbs with lunch and 1 cup of carbs in the evening.
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