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“I love to be outside just ta k ing in
nature,” Hoda shares. “Walking or
running in the park is my go-to for a
reset—it’s like therapy and exercise
all in one! Doing that makes me feel
free and helps me remember how
fortunate and unbelievably lucky I
am to have the life that I do. When
you look around and see all of the
natural beauty, it helps lift your spir-
its and reminds you of your good
fortune. And feeling that free while
doing something good for you every
day—like getting yourself moving or
getting some fresh air—is a wonderful
way to ref lect on all of your blessings!”
“I’ve definitely had those moments
where I need a confidence booster,
like before giving a speech,” Hoda
admits. “To quiet my nerves and
feel my best, I almost always turn to
music! Music can have such an amaz-
ing and wonderful impact on your
mood, confidence and outlook, and
can really make you feel great! There
are so many songs that make me feel
good the second I hear them play, so
in the moments where I need it most,
I’ll put on my headphones and play a
song to instantly pump myself up.”
With a job that has her waking
up before dawn and going to bed
long after the sun goes down,
Hoda admits that being in the
moment can be difficult. “It’s easy
to go into autopilot and do things
around your loved ones, rather
than with them,” Hoda says. “I’ve
been guilt y of doing four things at
once and suddenly realizing, Wait,
I’m not interacting with Haley! I’m
doing things ‘around’ her.”
“I’m not naturally motivated to exer-
cise, but I do love knowing that every
minute I do is making me stronger,”
Hoda confides. “Going through breast
cancer, I know what it’s like to feel sick
and not strong. But these days, I’m
not just building strength for myself,
I’m getting stronger for my daughters,
Haley and Hope. I feel happiest when
I feel strong, and knowing that what
I’m doing will help me be—and feel—
my best for my girls is such powerf u l
motivation to keep going.”
INSPIRES: Thinking
of loved ones
JOY: Time in nature
To snap back to realit y, Hoda f inds
joy in the little things. “The other
night, Haley wanted to hold hands
as she fell asleep,” Hoda says. “In a
moment like that, you realize there’s
nothing better.” In fact, Hoda’s new
children’s book, You Are My Happy,
is inspired by such moments, and
follows a mama bear and her cub
as they cuddle before bed, sharing
what they’re most grateful for. “The
little love moments are everything!”
Turn up the tunes
8/26/19 First for women 45
HODA’S SWEET SMILE STARTER: Appreciating the little things
ful—Hoda’s way!
Hoda holding
baby Hope
with 2 - year-old
daughter Haley