First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1

Pretty, tropical plants

turn your space

“Palms create a tropical paradise right on your patio!
Just sitting in the shade of these beauties brings on
instant relaxation,” says gardening pro Melinda Myers,
host of the How to Grow Anything DVD set. Palms like
full sun but can withstand partial shade if you acclimate
them. To do: Start them in full sun and move to areas
that get less and less sun every few days. Palms need
lots of water, so Myers suggests pressing a finger
deep into the soil daily. “It should feel like a wrung-out
damp sponge. If it doesn’t, water it thoroughly.”

Evaporate stress
with potted palm trees

fan palm

fan palm

garden genius

fan palm
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