Boxing News – June 27, 2019

(Barry) #1
LEEDS EBA is one of the oldest in the
country – maybe the very oldest – so I
was delighted to hear from Secretary Paul
Abrahams as follows: “After numbers had
dwindled to single figures we are now
getting over 20 attendees each meeting.
The officials are still President Allan
Richardson [former British featherweight
champion], Chairman Michael Daniels
and myself as Secretary/Treasurer. We
also now have a working committee of
three to look into ways to promote the
Association further. We were able to make
a generous donation to the Ringside
Rest and Care charity after a successful
boxing show at the Queens Hotel in
Leeds. Twelve Leeds EBA members will
be heading to Blackpool for the NBF Gala
Weekend at the end of this month.”
That’s all good to hear. As I say, Leeds
has been going a long time – one of

the founder-members was the late Lew
Taylor, who was a regular correspondent
(and occasional visitor to the BN office)
when I was editing the Old Timers
column in the 1970s. Incidentally, the
NBF Gala is this coming weekend ( June
28-30) at The Sheraton Hotel – this is
always a good event, and I hope it goes
well this time.
Allan Richardson has been a fine
ambassador for Leeds, and the EBA
movement generally, for many years.
I saw him box several times – he always
gave 100 per cent, and I was delighted
when he won the British title in 1977,
halting former conqueror Vernon Sollas in
eight rounds.
The current Leeds newsletter includes
an interesting article on Joe Fox, the
city’s first pro champion. Between 1909
and 1925, Fox won the British crown at

both bantam and featherweight, and
campaigned successfully in the USA,
Canada and Australia. Leeds’ meetings
take place on the first Sunday of the
month at The Anglers Club, 75 Stoney
Rock Avenue, Beckett Street – starting at
Home Counties EBA hold their
Summer Barbecue on Sunday July 7.
Doors open at 12 noon, and the meeting
starts at 1pm. Champions who have
already confirmed they’ll be attending
include Alan Minter, Tony Sibson, Herol
Graham, James Cook MBE, Francis
Ampofo, PJ Gallagher, Billy Schwer, Andy
Till, Rocky Kelly and Gary Hobbs. Venue is
the Bricketwood Social Club, Oak Avenue,
St. Albans, Hertfordshire – and this too is
always a good day.
My thanks to Wynford Jones for
letting me know of some changes to the

44 lBOXING NEWSlJUNE 27, 2019



& author


Leeds EBA are

posting positive

numbers at their

monthly meetings

headed to Paris for a brace of fights and
Jack followed him there. After KO’ing
London’s Jewey Smith and Australia’s Bill
Squires in the French capital, Burns was
tempted into travelling to Australia for
a return fight with Squires and a bout
against another Australian, Bill Lang.
Aussie promoter Hugh D. (“Huge
Deal”) McIntosh paid Burns handsomely
for these two easy defences and set
about raising the $30,000 Tommy asked
for to face Johnson. With the funding
in place, McIntosh wrote to Johnson
in London and offered him $5,000 to
challenge Burns for the world crown in
Sydney. While Jack resented having to
accept one sixth of what the champion
was to get, the opportunity was too
good to turn down.
They met on Boxing Day in 1908, in an
open-air stadium originally built for the
Burns-Squires bout. Twenty-thousand
fans were seated inside the stadium
and around 30,000 lingered outside,
some climbing trees or telegraph poles
for a glimpse of the action. The event
enthralled the world – it was the first
time a black man had fought for the
world heavyweight crown – but it proved
a complete mismatch. In reality, the 5ft
7in, 167lb Burns had no hope of beating
his infinitely better-skilled 6ft, 192lb
After a prolonged, one-sided
drubbing, Tommy was saved from

further punishment when the police
halted the bout in the 14th round.
Johnson was declared the winner and
became boxing’s first black heavyweight
world titlist. Though initially conceived
as a temporary structure, the Rushcutters
Bay Sydney Stadium was later enlarged
and roofed over. It remained an iconic
boxing and entertainment venue until its
demolition in 1970.
Ten-thousand miles away, another
plaque has been erected in Pimlico,
London, to honour Olympic boxing
champion Harry Mallin. It is fixed to Peel
House where Mallin spent most of his
working life as a policeman. Arguably
Britain’s greatest ever amateur, Harry left
the sport with an unbeaten record after
more than 300 bouts. He won Olympic
gold in 1920 and 1924 and captured five
ABA titles in a row (1919-23).
After leaving the ring, Harry stayed
involved with boxing. He managed the
British boxing teams in the 1936 and
1952 Olympics and was a life vice-
president of the ABA. He stayed with
the Metropolitan Police for five years
beyond the normal retirement age,
leaving the force in 1952 with the rank of
The Harry Mallin plaque was put up
by English Heritage last year. It makes
a worthy addition to the growing list of
monuments that commemorate Britain’s
boxing heroes.

T says much for the
social significance
of boxing that
monuments are
being unveiled
around the world
to honour the fistic
greats of the past 100-plus years. The
latest is a plaque to commemorate the
world heavyweight title fight between
Tommy Burns and Jack Johnson. It stands
on a footpath in Rushcutters Bay, Sydney,
Australia, near the former site of the
Sydney Stadium, where the bout was
held in 1908.
Johnson had chased Burns around the
world to get the fight. As a black man
in the early 20th century, his greatest
battle was outside the ring, combating
widespread racism, and this made the
job of securing a shot at sport’s greatest
prize a gargantuan one.
Jack had followed Tommy to London,
where the latter picked up some soft
fights, flattening outclassed Brits Gunner
Moir and Jack Palmer. Upon his arrival,
Johnson visited Arthur “Peggy” Bettinson
at Covent Garden’s National Sporting
Club, and Peggy offered to stage a world
title fight between him and Burns for
a $12,500 purse. Burns, though, found
the offer laughably low and demanded
$30,000 to defend against Johnson.
After obliterating Wexford’s Jem
Roche inside a round in Dublin, Tommy


Tommy Burns/

Jack Johnson

and Harry

Mallin have

been honoured

with plaques


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