Windsurf – July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1


102 JULY 2019


veryone who went to school will have something to say about their
teachers. Interviews with high achievers often reveal a familiar storyline.
The headmaster’s report read something like: “Tracey is disruptive,
rude, stupid and will amount to nothing in future life.” But somewhere
along the line, a quirky English teacher saw something in her, sparked and nur-
tured a desire to write and now she’s a ‘Man Booker Prize’ winner.
“She taught me all I know” is often how you praise a treasured mentor. She
almost certainly didn’t – she just taught you how to learn. Yes you might have
had a natural affinity for the subject, but the game changer was that you felt she
had a genuine interest in you – she ‘got’ you. You liked her for that, wanted to
please her and hence listened and radiated enthusiasm. But in the other classes,
in a ‘cutting nose off to spite face’ situation, you were deliberately distant and
inattentive to punish the poor teacher for being old and boring. You can blame
them for your failure - but you had a hand in it too. Admit it – in that class, you
were a rubbish student.




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There are good and bad teachers. But there are also good

and bad pupils. With the holiday season upon us and

many heading to centres home and abroad, Harty, with a

few thousand coaching hours under his belt, offers much

advice on how to get the most out of tuition.

Words Peter Hart // Photos Hart Photogrpahy & Graham White
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