The Week India – July 21, 2019

(coco) #1
JULY 21, 2019 • THE WEEK 43

Baru is an economist and a writer. He was adviser to former prime minister Manmohan Singh.





n his fictionalised autobiography, The Insider,
former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao
has a provincial leader of the Indian National
Congress describing Indira Gandhi’s takeover of
the Congress as the party becoming a proprietor-
ship. The Congress, to be sure, was never really a
‘party’. It was what its name suggests, a ‘congress’.
The dictionary defines the word congress to mean
a gathering, a platform, a meeting of minds. That
was what the Indian National Congress was before
1947 and that is how Gandhiji wanted it left to
remain. Several parties grew out of the Congress,
while the Congress itself evolved into a ‘system’
of political mobilisation, or-
ganisation and governance, as
political scientist Rajni Kothari
famously put it.
Till 1969, the Congress tried
hard to function like a party.
Once Indira Gandhi staged her
coup and then, in 1975, her
younger son stepped in to take
charge, the party had indeed
become a proprietorship. It
then began to call itself Con-
gress (I) for Congress (Indira).
By the same token, in 1998, we saw the creation
of a Congress (S). In between, in 1992, Narasimha
Rao tried to reinvent the pre-Indira Congress by
conducting organisational elections in the run-up
to the All India Congress Committee gathering at
Tirupati. He legitimised his ‘nominated’ status as
party president by getting himself properly elect-
ed. Next year, a dissident group rebelling against
Rao’s leadership called itself Congress (Tiwari).
For all these reasons, I have always believed
the correct name for the party that made Sonia
Gandhi its president in 1998 should be Congress
It is precisely because the party has been a
proprietorship that the change of guard after an
ignominious defeat is proving so difficult. In any
normal political party, the incumbent leader
would quit when defeated and a new round of

organisational elections would have been held to
elect a new leader. Not so in a proprietorship. The
owner has to nominate the successor. As an aside,
the proprietorship metaphor was made more ap-
posite by the fact that many properties of the Sonia
Congress became trust properties, including the
Jawahar Bhavan on New Delhi’s Rajendra Prasad
Marg that was originally constructed to house the
Congress headquarters and became home to the
Rajiv Gandhi Trust and Foundation, with all such
trusts governed by the family and its loyalists.
How then does one reconvert a proprietorship
into a party? That is the dilemma facing the Sonia
Congress. Should the Con-
gress’s next president be nomi-
nated by the present proprietors
or should a popularly elected
leader take charge? In politics,
power is never inherited. It is
acquired. Both Indira Gandhi
and Narendra Modi acquired
power through their political
actions. While both may have
been initially nominated to
their national leadership roles,
Indira by K. Kamaraj and Modi
by Rajnath Singh, the fact is that both Indira and
Modi acquired power by asserting their leadership
over all others. Whoever succeeds Rahul Gandhi
as Congress president will have to do likewise.
In politics, opportunities to assert leadership do
not arise often and certainly do not come twice.
A good opportunity was lost when Adhir Ranjan
Chowdhury was nominated leader of the Con-
gress in the Lok Sabha. If at that time someone
like Shashi Tharoor had demanded an election to
that post, he would have launched a new phase
in the evolution of the party. Even if Tharoor did
not offer himself as a candidate for leadership of
his party in Lok Sabha, he could easily have stood
up and demanded an election for the post. What
is the use of preaching democratic values to the
nation and the world when one’s own party does
not value them?

From proprietorship to party

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