Mini World – July 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

[ Cooling system ]

60 July 2019 MiniWorld

Minis are cool cars but they sometimes get hot and bothered. Here

are some checks, tips and upgrades to make sure that yours stays cool.

Words and photos: Tim Mundy.

Check your Mini’s cooling system


egular maintenance of a Mini’s
cooling system is essential
for performance, e cient
running and preventing
serious problems. It will help to prevent
overheating issues, in both summer
and winter, and keep the heater working
at maximum e ciency in the colder
months. Early summer is the best time
to carry out maintenance as the Mini

will then be ready for the hotter months
and well prepared for the winter too.
Although not needed on such a
frequent basis, changing the coolant is
as important as changing the oil. In fact,
the majority of cooling system failures
are caused by lack of maintenance.
Overheating is bad enough but, if the
problem is not noticed in time (and
some Minis do not have a temperature



Make sure that the radiator cap is in good condition; it needs to
seal properly and release pressure at the correct poundage. Never
release the radiator cap when the engine is hot.

Standard mechanical cooling fans rarely give trouble but plastic
ones can occasionally crack or break. Check that the fan is fitted
the correct way round. It is marked ‘engine side’. If it is fitted the
wrong way round, the engine will overheat. You would be amazed
at how many feature cars and Minis at shows we see with the fan
incorrectly fitted! Check that OE electric fans, where fitted, cut in
with the engine running when the car has been stationary for a
while. If it does not, then suspect the fan sender in the radiator.



If the temperature gauge is reading incorrectly it may simply be
down to a faulty sender. Replacement can be carried out without
draining the system if the engine is is cold, the coolant not
pressurised and you swap the parts quickly.

Make sure that your fan belt is in good condition, not
contaminated with oil and that it is correctly tensioned. Even
a slightly loose belt can slip and reduce the effectiveness of the
water pump and the dynamo or alternator too. Replace the belt
around every five years or sooner if required.

gauge), it can become much more
serious and lead to head gasket failure.
The cooling system deteriorates with
age and mileage. Old hoses perish and
burst, water pump seals and bearings
wear out and the radiator can become
blocked and corroded. The bypass
hose is often considered to be one of
the earlier Mini’s greatest problems
but, almost without exception, if it
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