Biology Times 07.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

iv. Bases on free nucleotides bond with
bases on DNA strands.
Which of the following shows the correct
(a) i, iv, ii, iii (b) i, ii, iii, iv
(c) iv, ii, iii, i (d) i, ii, iv, iii

  1. cDNA is copied from mRNA molecule
    with the help of
    (a) Restriction enzyme
    (b) Reverse transcriptase
    (c) DNA polymerase
    (d) Adenosine deaminose

  2. The number of punctuation codon in a
    genetic code are
    (a) 2+3=5 (b) 1+3=4
    (c) 1+1=2 (d) 3

  3. Match the following:
    A. t-RNA 1. linking of amino-acids
    B. m-RNA 2. Transfer og genetic
    C. r-RNA 3. Nucleolar organising
    D. Peptidyl 4. Transfer of amino acid
    from transferase
    cytoplasm of
    (a) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
    (b) A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
    (c) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
    (d) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

  4. DNA polymerisation rate of DNA
    polymerase and estimated number of gene
    in Human being respectively?
    (a) 25000 and
    (b) 2000 bp/sec and 25000
    (c) 3000 and 5386

  5. In a 3.2 Kbp long piece of DNA, 820
    adenine bases were found. What would be
    the number of cytosine bases?
    (a) 1560 (b)780 (c) 1480 (d)740

  6. If 100 heavy DNA 15N are replicated
    there times in medium , the result obtained
    (a) 12.5% intermediate and 87.5% light

(b) 25% intermediate and 75% light DNA
(c) 50% heavy and 50% light DNA
(d) 37.5% half heavy and 62.5 heavy DNA

  1. Read the following statements and choose
    the correct option.
    i. RNA polymerase associates transiently
    with ‘Rho’ factor to initiate transcription.
    ii. In bacteria, transcription and translation
    takes place in the same compartment.
    iii. RNA polymerase I is responsible for
    transcription of tRNA.
    iv. When hnRNA undergoes capping
    process, adenylate residues are added
    at 3’ end in a template independent
    v. hnRNA is the precurse of mRNA.
    (a) i and iv are correct
    (b) iii and iv are correct
    (c) ii, iii and v are correct
    (d) ii and v are correct

  2. In the carbon skeleton of the pentose sugar in
    DNA, what is the attachment point of a base
    to from a nucleoside?
    (a) C 2 (b) C 4 (c) C 1 (d) C 3

  3. DNAis very long in relation to its diameter.
    If a strand of DNA is 0.1 mm in length,
    what is the ratio of length to diameter,or
    the axial ratio?
    (a) 50,000 (b) 5,000
    (c) 10,000 (d) 1,00,000

  4. If the DNA of humans contains bp,
    and if an Okazaki fragment, on average,is
    2000 bp long, how many initiation points
    for RNA primase are present in the
    (a)^ (b)
    (c) (d)

  5. Suppose evolution on earth had occurred
    in such a way that there are 96 amino acids
    instead of 20. DNA has 12 different types
    of bases and DNA synthesis occurs in the
    same way as today. The minimum number
    of bases per DNA codon would be
    (a) 12 (b)8 (c) 2 (d)3

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