Biology Times 07.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

Regulation Of Kidney Function

  1. Volume of urine is regulated by
    (a) Aldosterone
    (b) Aldosterone and ADH
    (c) Aldosterone, ADH and testosterone
    (d) ADH

  2. Water reabsorption in kidney is controlled by
    (a) ADH (b) Aldosterone
    (c) GH (d) Oxytocin

  3. Antidiuretic hormone(ADH)
    (a) Increase water reabsorption
    (b) Increase water release
    (c) Increase Na+ reabsorption
    (d) Decrease urea synthesis

  4. When there is a decrease in blood pressure

    or blood volume in the afferent arteriole of

    the glomerulus, Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

    releases an enzyme,
    (a) Renin , into the blood stream
    (b) Pepsin, into the blood stream
    (c) Kinase, into the blood stream
    (d) Invertase, into the blood stream

  5. In micturition
    (a) Ureters contract (b) Urethra contracts
    (c) Urethra relaxes (d) Ureters relax

Disorders Of Excretory System

  1. A severe fall in blood pressure disturbs the

    function of kidneys and reduces
    (a) Renal filtration

    (b) Glomerular filtration
    (c) Reabsorption

    (d) Secretion of nitrogenous wastes

  2. Excretion of bile pigments in urine indicates
    (a) Anaemia (b) Diabetes
    (c) Gout (d) Jaundice

  3. Workers in deep mines usually suffer from

    dehydration because
    (a) Water is lost due to evaporation
    (b) Water is lost due to defecation

(c) Water   is  lost    in  the form    of  sweat
(d) Water is lost along with salts in the form
of sweat

  1. If a man takes in large amount of proteins he

    is likely to secrete more amount of
    (a) Urea (b) Uric acid
    (c) Sugar (d) Carbon dioxide

  2. What will happen if one kidney of a person
    is removed
    (a) He will survive and remain normal
    (b) He will die
    (c) Urea will go on accumulating in the blood
    (d) Urination will stop

  3. In Diabetes mellitus the patient drinks more

    water as there is urinary loss of
    (a) Salt (b) Insulin
    (c) Protein (d) Glucose

  4. Haemodialysis is done in the condition when

    a person is suffering from
    (a) Anaemia (b) Uraemia
    (c) Goitre (d) Diabetes

  5. If loops of Henle were absent from an

    individual’s nephron, which one of the

    following is to be expected?
    (a) The urine will be more dilute
    (b) There will be hardly any change in the
    quality and quantity of urine formed

    (c) The urine will be more concentrated
    (d) There will be no urine formation

  6. The nonsuprative inflammation of the

    kidneys due to bacterial infection is called
    (a) Uraemia (b) Kidney stones
    (c) Haematuria

    (d) Nephritis or Bright’s disease

  7. Inflammation of pelvis is called
    (a) Pyelitis (b) Nephritis
    (c) Glucosuria (d) Haematuria

  8. Kidney stones are formed by precipitation of
    (a) Uric acid (b) Calcium phosphate
    (c) Calcium oxalate (d) All the above

  9. The level of blood sugar rises to a very great

    extent. The excess of glucose from the blood

    is removed along with urine, this disease is

    (a) Glycosuria (b) Uraemia

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