Biology Times 07.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1
commonly    caused  by   bacterial  infection   that     has     spread up   the     urinary    tract    or  travelled  through 
the bloodstream to the kidneys. In other words, pyelitis together with nephritis is collectively
known as pyelonephritis.

  1. (d)

  2. (a) Glucosuria occurs when the capacity of the kidney to tolerate blood glucose is exceeded in

    the blood. This is known as renal threshold for glucose, the value for which is 180 mg/100 ml of
    blood. If the glucose concentration in the blood exceeds this value, it is excreted in urine. At 180

    mg/100 ml of blood glucose the kidney reabsorbs 350 mg of glucose per minute, this is known

    as tubular maximum for glucose (T-G). Any amount of glucose being filtered by the glomerular
    filtrate more than this into the kidney per minute is excreted.

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