Biology Times 07.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

(d) A-Rostellum, B-Hair, C-Sucker,

  1. Select the correct answer w.r.t common
    characteristics of two of the animals given in
    the figure A, B,C and D.



(a) A and C shows metagenesis
(b) B and D are eucoelomate
(c) B and D are segmented
(d) A and C have cnidoblast for anchorage
defense and for the capture of prey

  1. Given is the diagram of the reproductive
    system of earthworm. Identify A, B, C and

(a) A-Seminal vesicle, B-Spermathecae,
C-Prostrate gland, D-Ovary
(b) A-Spermathecae, B-Seminal vesicle,
C-Ovary, D-Prostrate gland
(c) A-Seminal vesicle, B-Prostrate gland,
C-Spermathecae, D-Accessory gland
(d) A-Ovary, B-Vas deferens, C-Prostrate
gland, D-Spermathecae

  1. Given is a diagram of a freshwater fish.
    Identify the types of fin.

(a) A-dorsal, B-pectoral, C-anal, D-caudal
(b) A-ventral, B-pectoral, C-pelvic, D-caudal
(c) A-dorsal, B-pectoral, C-pelvic, D-caudal
(d) A-ventral, B-pectoral, C-anal, D-caudal

  1. Given Figure A represents Catla. Identify
    the correct option consisting of characters
    which represents ‘A’ as member of the class

(a) Notochord is persistent throughout life
(b) Teeth are modified scales which are
backwardly directed
(c) They have four pair of gills which are
covered by an operculum on each side
(d) They have internal fertilization and many
of the are viviparous

  1. Given is the cross section of the body of an
    invertebrate with eucoelom. Identify the
    animal which has this body plan.

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