The Guardian - 31.07.2019

(WallPaper) #1

Section:GDN 12 PaGe:3 Edition Date:190731 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 30/7/2019 18:22 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

  • The Guardian
    Wednesday 31 July 2019 33


A successful
and rescue
operation was
launched near
Botany Bay
off the coast
of Kent after a
father and his
two children
drifted out
to sea on an
infl atable
Two lifeboat
teams and a
helicopter were

not only prim and pristine – we are
also the woman who wants to dance.
But the trend could reasonably be
viewed as a refl ection of the modern
unsettled nature of relationships.
Not only do we not marry and stay
married as we once did, we cohabit,
date around and date diff erent
genders. We Tinder, we Bumble
and we Hinge. We frolic among the
meadows of choice.
Increasingly, our exploration
of the many facets of ourselves
is not explored internally, but
rather aesthetically – through fast
fashion, cosmetic surgery, multiple
relationships and an array of
wedding dresses.
As Kierkegaard suggested,
perhaps we would do better, be
happier, if instead we learned to
rotate the crop of ourselves. After
all, as the fi nest Danish philosophers
knew, the best weddings aren’t
about changing in and out of fancy
frocks – rather they are for relishing
time with the one(s) we love.
Laura Barton

Should people

with no kids be

banned from

Disney World?


hmygod, you are never going to believe what Donald
Trump said on Twitter this morning! It sounded like
it was written by an extremely racist and unusually
stupid seven-year-old; nevertheless, it has already had
a million retweets and 15 gazillion replies, and inspired
approximately 10bn think pieces.
That, my friends, is what you call an evergreen story. Every single
day, the president of the US tweets bigoted and factually incorrect
nonsense, and every single day, his tweets seem to constitute 50% of
the news; we are stuck in a hellish groundhog day that rotates around
Trump’s verbal diarrhoea. Important issues get shoved to the sidelines
as we argue about whether Trump’s latest racist comment means he
is a racist (spoiler : yes), hypothesi se about what “ covfefe ” signifi es or
cackle over typos such as “ Prince of Whales ”.
On Sunday, Chris Murphy, a senator from Connecticut, tweeted that
he was unfollowing the president “because his feed is the most hate-
fi lled, racist, and demeaning of the 200+ I follow and it regularly ruins
my day to read it. So I’m just going to stop.” His announcement started
a small movement ; Twitter users began urging the president’s 62.4
million followers to emulate Murphy and #unfollowTrump.
While unfollowing Trump may seem like a tiny gesture, it is actually
a big deal. Size matters to Trump. He is obsessed with his ratings and
social media metrics. According to the Daily Beast , he frequently
complains about having fewer Twitter followers than Barack Obama

  • who has 107.4 million. This has nothing to do with the fact he is less
    popular than Obama, of course; rather, the president has tweeted
    that Twitter is biased against conservatives and stops people from
    following his account ( this is nonsense ). Trump also reportedly
    spent a large portion of an April meeting with Jack Dorsey , Twitter’s
    founder, complaining that the platform limits his followers ( this,
    again, is nonsense ). If enough people unfollowed him, it would deal a
    huge blow to his fragile ego.
    I also think it is worth remembering that there is nothing positive
    to be gained by engaging with Trump on Twitter. A large number
    of people appear to labour under the delusion that retweeting the
    president and attaching a snarky comment constitutes an act of
    #resistance. It doesn’t. All publicity is good publicity for Trump. The
    same is true for Nigel Farage, who owes his high profi le to the media’s
    endless attention. In a recent cover interview
    for Campaign , an advertising trade magazine,
    Farage laughed about a New York Times headline
    calling him “the most dangerous man in Britain”.
    “I loved it,” he said. “I’d have paid for advertising
    like that.”
    It’s easy to feel helpless about the state of the
    world. But there are simple things that we can all
    be doing to take back control, and unfollowing
    Trump is one of them. Most of the world isn’t on
    Twitter, and when Trump’s tweets are elevated
    into mainstream news, we are helping spread his
    vile statements. We’re doing his work for him.
    We’re complicit.

Las Vegas is being overrun by swarms of grasshoppers;
there are so many of the chirpy little insects in the city
that they are registering as storms on weather radars.
The grasshoppers are not in Vegas to gamble, by the
way : the infestation is thanks to unusually wet weather.
These conditions have also led to a spike in stink bugs.
Locals are making the best of the biblical infestation
with various bars off ering grasshopper-themed drink
specials. As the old saying go es: when life gives you
swarms of insects, you might as well get wasted.

If you’re not a fan of unbridled
capitalism, brace yourself : I am
sorry to report that an EXTREMELY
EMPHATIC Facebook post is going
viral. The post in question is from an
anonymous mother who is outraged
people without kids have the
temerity to holiday at Disney World.
“It pisses me off TO NO END!!!!!
AT DISNEY WORLD,” she explains.
“DW is a FAMILY amusement park!!!!
Yet these IMMATURE millennials
USELESS CRAP!!!!!” The outburst
appears to have been prompted by
a woman “in some very SLUTTY
shorts” buying a pretzel. This
contributed to a very long queue,
meaning our protagonist’s kid could
not get their hands on a salty snack.
“I fucking hate childless women
with a BURNING PASSION!!!” the
post ends. There are several angry
emoji faces for emphasis.
While this Facebook post is quite
old, someone on Twitter recently
dug it up and started taking the
mickey. It has now sparked a furious
online debate about whether
childfree people should be allowed
to enter Disney-branded parks. My
own thoughts on the matter are
that something is very wrong with
you if you are childfree and want to
spend a small fortune surrounded
by other people’s kids in a mouse-
infested amusement park. Why not
just throw away your money on
e-cigarettes and slutty shorts like the
feckless childfree millennial you are?
A couple of years ago, some angry
parents called for a boycott of the
Chart Room , a coff ee shop in Devon
that had a no-kids-under-12 policy.
“Can anyone tell me just what kind
of town we’re living in when dogs
are allowed into an establishment
and children are not?” one resident
demanded. You know what I call
that kind of town? Somewhere I
want to move immediately.

Why we should all be

unfollowing Trump

on Twitter

When life

gives you a


invasion ...

Ar wa



bathroom surfaces and bundle every
miniature into your suitcase.
At least there is a slim chance of
them being used up. According to
Gwen Powell, the founder of , a charitable
initiative to recycle hotel toiletries,
some 200 m miniatures are dumped
from UK hotels into landfi ll each year.
Housed in plastic, they will remain
for hundreds of years in rubbish
dumps, giving future anthropologists
the opportunity to ponder whether
any human ever used more than a
tablespoon of ginseng shower gel
before ditching the bottle.
As hotels begin to shun
miniatures – legislators in California
are hoping to ban them altogether

  • it’s a good time to change your
    own habits. Avoid stocking up on
    travel-sized toiletries or any pump
    dispensers that you cannot refi ll.
    If you do buy small, get an organic/
    eco brand such as Dr Bronner,
    and wash and reuse it afterwards.
    Better still, invest in a nice set of
    designated refi llables – I consider
    the 14-piece bottle-and-jar set and
    travel cube from to be
    the Tupperware of the suitcase – and
    refi ll from your own bulk toiletries at
    home, refi lling these in a bulk store.
    Or there’s always Lush. The brand
    makes it easy to swap a bottle for a
    bar. Previously, many of its “naked”
    (plastic-free) range came in tins,
    which seemed a bit scout camp,
    but now you can get shampoo and
    conditioner bars in cork pots. By the
    way, these were recently delivered to
    Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.
    Lucy Siegle









The Duchess of
Sussex shows
off her two
wedding dresses




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Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.

Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.
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way, these were recently delivered to
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Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.

Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.

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but now you can get shampoo and
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"What's "What's

Lucy Siegle

Lucy Siegle News"

way, these were recently delivered to

way, these were recently delivered to
Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.
Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.
Lucy Siegle Lucy Siegle News"


Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.


Lush’s Dorset HQ by sail boat.
Lucy Siegle


Lucy Siegle
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