The Week USA - Vol. 19, Issue 935, August 02, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1


22 Books
Unlocking the secrets in
Greenland’s melting ice
23 Author of the week
Paul Tremblay’s chilling
domestic disturbances
24 Art & Music
Mrinalini Mukherjee’s
strange and
25 Film
ode to a


4 Main stories
Robert Mueller testifi es to
Congress; Iran lashes out
at the West; the fi ght over
the 9/11 victims fund
6 Controversy of the week
Has President Trump
developed a winning
strategy for 2020?
7 The U.S. at a glance
Mass protests in Puerto
Rico; the Trump
administration tries to
tighten food stamp rules
8 The world at a glance
Mexico slows the migrant
wave; mass murder at a
Japanese animation studio
10 People
Diane Keaton on giving
up men; why E. Jean
Carroll has a gun
11 Briefi ng
How U.S. presidents got
the power to declare war
12 Best U.S. columns
The GOP learns to love
defi cits; Ted Kennedy’s
escape from justice;
when lobbyists run the
14 Best European
Can Britain’s new Prime
Minister Boris Johnson
deliver Brexit?
16 Talking points
The meaning of “send her
back”; the war on plastic
straws; no hush-money
charges for Trump


27 Food & Drink
Restaurants that mix two
cuisines to multiply fl avors
28 Travel
Swimming in the open sea
off a Greek island
29 Consumer
Everything you need to do
nothing on the beach

32 News at a glance
The Department of Justice
investigates Big Tech;
Equifax’s hack payout
33 Making money
A strong dollar hurts profi ts,
helps U.S. tourists abroad
34 Best columns
Amazon’s power play; the
ruthless delivery economy;
the trouble with buybacks

Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar: Trump’s new favorite foil (p.16)





It’s no secret that President Trump has had some trouble find-
ing and keeping good help around the White House. But in hir-
ing William Barr, Trump got just what he wanted in an attor-
ney general: a ruthless combatant like his old lawyer Roy Cohn,
who’d earlier served as chief counsel to Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy. After coming aboard, Barr promptly went to work defus-
ing special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report on the Rus-
sia investigation, spinning its damning findings in a “summary”
that said Mueller had found “no collusion” and not enough evi-
dence of obstruction of justice. Poof! The a ir went out of the im-
peachment bubble. When released weeks later, the actual report
had far less impact. So did Mueller’s complaint that Barr did
not “capture the context, nature, and substance” of his findings.
This week, a reluctant Mueller publicly testified about what he
actually found (see Main Stories), but few people will have their
minds changed at this point by mere evidence.

In clearing Trump of obstruction, Barr relied on his extraordinary
theory that Article II of the Constitution makes the president a
near-monarch who has “all-encompassing” authority to end any
federal investigation, even of himself. Mueller found that Trump
tampered with witnesses, dangled pardons, told aides to lie, and
tried to fire Mueller himself. Barr waved that all away, on the
grounds that Trump “was frustrated and angered” by the inves-
tigation. The attorney general has provided his client with many
other valuable legal services. Barr has insisted that Congress—
despite its constitutional oversight role—has no authority to sub-
poena Trump’s tax returns or business dealings with foreign gov-
ernments. Trump, he maintains, can unilaterally change asylum
rules, seize funding to build a wall, and start a war with Iran. “I
have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want
as president,” Trump proclaimed this week. Well
done, Mr. Barr. Roy Cohn would be proud.

Editor’s letter

Contents 3

William Falk

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