Yachting USA – August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

The Hobie Mirage Passport 10.5 comes standard with two rod holders and an accessory mount for a Bimini top or sail.

kayak. At $1,299, it’s not intended
to compete with the company’s
$3,500 tricked-out models for
hardcore anglers. Instead, the
Mirage Passport 10.5 is an all-purpose
kayak for exploring and shoreline fun,
but with just enough standard features
and removable options that die-hard
fi shermen also will be happy when they’re
the ones heading out. ¶ “The Passports
have a track system on either side of the
cockpit, on the gunwales, so you can use
any accessory that fi ts into the track: a
camera mount, extra rod holders, tool
holders, a fi sh-fi nder mount, fl ags, lighting
systems—we sell all of them,” Promnitz
says. He adds that everything can be re-
moved for safekeeping when the fi shing
is done and the kids want to play on the
kayak. ¶ Key accessories for yachts-
men who want to fi sh, he says, include
Hobie’s H-Crate, which fi ts in the back of
the kayak with tackle stowage, as well as
four rod holders and a way to clamp on
accessories.“We also make a livewell,
which actually has a battery and a pump
in it with three rod holders on the back,”
he says. “It plugs into the rear scupper
holds. If you want to fi sh with live bait,
you can put it in this livewell and take it
with you.” ¶ For owners who off er their
yachts for charter, the kayak is not only
versatile, but also built to take a beating.
Unlike Hobie’s roto-molded kayaks, the
Mi rage Pa sspor t 10. 5 is made w it h t her mo -
forming technology, which means a
machine heats the plastic to create two
polyethylene pieces that are welded
together. The process lets Hobie off er the
kayak at a lower price while maintaining
strength. ¶ “It’s a plastic that is very, very
durable,” Promnitz says. “You can bang
it into rocks or drag it over boat ramps,
and it’s going to hold up for a long time.”


This kayak has a rudder that

folds away or can be removed, so

the kayak itself can stow
fl at in a yacht’s lazarette. Multi-

ple kayaks can be stacked to take

up even less square footage in
the toy department.


Hobie’s Classic MirageDrive
pedal system lets kayakers
use their legs instead of their
arms (and a paddle) to move.
The system keeps hands
free for holding rods or baiting
hooks while kayak-fi shing.









CURRENTS> GEAR> Hobie Mirage Passport 10.5


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