This week, Pete talks space travel and discovers he’s related to one of the Love Island ladies...
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Eamonn Holmes has revealed he
once fell victim to scammers who
falsely claimed he was the face of
an erectile dysfunction pill brand.
My name has been falsely used
loads of times to promote different
products in the past. I was once
used as the face of a condom
brand overseas, but it was
a scam. Like Eamonn, I wasn’t
quite sure why I was chosen.
Were they trying to say, “Use
one of these if you don’t want
a baby to look like Pete?”
I’m not sure whether it was
a compliment or not.
I’ve been asked if Junior and Bista have been
approached to take part in The Voice Kids.
As a dad, I wouldn’t be keen to let them on.
They’re way too young and I don’t want
them open to that sort of criticism – if you
get slated it damages you.
Even though I started off my career at
a young age, it was a different world.
There was no social media so
the only way you knew if people
didn’t like you was if they told you.
Talking of the kids, Millie took
me to school for show and tell
recently. I spoke to the children
about singing and it was so cute.
Piers Morgan met his match last
week with Angelina Duplisea, a plus
size model who appears naked in
Miley Cyrus’s new music video.
Piers was arguing against celebrating obesity and being a
dangerous weight, particularly in a pop video. She hit back with
some witty one-liners, poking fun at his weight and rebuffing his
claim that she only did the video for attention. “No, I did it to get
paid,” she said. I get where Piers is coming from, but I agree with
what Angelina said, that “seeing fat people on TV doesn’t
encourage people to get fat”. The message her appearance in
Miley’s video sends is that everyone is different. There’s no one
size and you should accept who you are.
The big
I don’t see it, but I keep getting told I look like
Love Island’s Michael – but only when my
hair’s curly. I didn’t like how he treated Amber
last week – or Joanna for that matter. He’s
probably a top bloke and I wasn’t perfect as a
young man, but I’d be upset if Junior spoke to
a girl like that. Speaking of Joanna, I’ve found out
she and I are somehow related! I spoke with her dad
- who’s a cousin of mine down the line – and
realised the connection. It’s too complicated
to explain, but it’s true!
At the time of writing my column,
Ovie’s still my favourite, but I have
grown to love Maura and Amber too.
In my opinion, the only contestant
who proved she was purely on the
show to find love, though, was Amy.
Last Tuesday marked the 50th
anniversary of the day the
Apollo 11 mission lifted off.
Like a lot of people, I’d love to
take a trip to the moon as it would
be incredible to see our world
from up there, but I don’t think
most of us will get the opportunity.
I wouldn’t take a memento with
me to leave there, but I would
bring back some moon dust.
I liked the point someone made
about astronaut Neil Armstrong
- the first man on the moon. If you
take his name but write it as Neil
A, it’s alien backwards! Spooky!
PHOTOS: Getty, Shutterstock
What a joke