
(Frankie) #1

a little chinwag with cover artist

abbey lossing

Tell us a bit about yourself, please.I’m an illustrator based
in Brooklyn, New York. I worked as a staff illustrator at both
BuzzFeed and Vice News, before taking the plunge into full-
time freelance last year.How do you describe your style of
art?My style is influenced by my background in screenprinting
and my love for textile design. I love drawing people, and try
to integrate patterns and shapes whenever possible.What
kinds of materials do you use?Occasionally I create limited
edition screenprints, but other than that, my work is completely
digital.Talk us through your creative process.I start with a
rough sketch in Photoshop, then build it up to a more finalised
drawing using layers. Next, I choose the colour palette. My work
is fairly simple, so finding a successful colour combination is
really important. Working digitally gives me the ability to quickly
change and adjust colours until I find something that works. It’s
a lot of trial and error.Who are the lady and dog in this image?
Most people I draw are completely made up. I drew the lady
first, and it seemed like she was missing something. I decided
she needed a dog companion, and since she was dressed in a
winter outfit, a husky seemed like a good fit.What do you listen
to or watch while you’re drawing?Mostly podcasts and music.
The US political situation is... interesting at the moment, so I
mostly listen to political podcasts. For music, I’ve been digging
Father John Misty and Leon Bridges. Punch Brothers are an
old-time favourite, as well.

take note
Cool things about these Mini Bold notepads from
Mochi Things: 1) they’re on the teeny side, so you
can pop them in your bag easy-peasy; 2) there
are six spunky layouts to choose from; 3) they’ll
make you feel like a storybook reporter (just
add a pen behind the ear). They’re also around
$5 each, which is rather lovely. Find them at

tea (towel) and biscuits

Wouldn’t it be nice to be nice in Nice?

Why yes, it would be very nice indeed.

Especially with this Nice to be Nice

cotton tea towel from Hazel Nicholls,

at the very nice price of $17.80. How



Dear bag users, and
those who know bag
users (which we
assume covers most
of you quite nicely). We
have two of the new
Cult bags fromStatus
Anxietyto be claimed
by lucky readers –
made from oh-so soft
black pebble leather,
and ready to hold all of
life’s detritus. Should
you like to get your
hands on one (worth
$159.95), head to,
enter your details
and cross your fingers
nice and tight.

put a sock in it

Our general experience
of parking lots involves
silently cursing folks
who slip into a spot
before us, and throwing
giant wobblies when we
can’t track down our
car. Apparently things
happen differently for
Ringo Yu, though. The
Taiwanese lady is so
inspired by carparks
and their bold colours
and shapes that she
created this pair of jazzy
socks in their likeness.
We’re surprised, but not
complaining. Stop by
with around $13 if
you like them.

frank bits
Free download pdf